Date with vance😵

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Me and Vance were were hanging out at my house and out of the blue he looked at me and straight up said

"Wanna go to the arcade with me later as a date at 5"

I was shocked bc he said it out of no where

Oh?!- uh yea!"  I say

"All right" he says then we go back to playing black opps |||

I was winning so far it was



He  was a bit annoyed

I killed him again and he said

"I'm going easy on you"

"Then try" I said

He grumbled I knew damn well he was already trying

Then after awhile he killed me and said "see"

"Sure like I didn't kill u 2 more times before"

He scoffed

He had to get going he said "bye y/n/n (nickname)"

I teased him a bit and said "bye bye vwancey-poo🥺"

He left and went home

My mom walked in and say "who was that handsome man?"

"Momm he is Vance"

"Is he ur boyfriend"

"Nooooo mom"

"Suree like u 2 aren't going on a date later"

I was speechless

"Ooo!! I knew it"

"Ok okay mom yesss"

3 hours late

I got dressed into

(If you don't like the out fit you can change it)

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

(If you don't like the out fit you can change it)


Hey wanna hang and play
call a duty at ur place later today?


       New message

                                                I'll meet you at the arcade

Alr  see u soon dollie

                                                               Dollie? That's new
Oh shut up


I walked out of my house and locked the door and I walked to the arcade listening to music then when I reached the arcade I made it just in time

I waited there for 10 more minutes and Vance still wasn't there

Then i hear fast footsteps I turn around it's Vance, he is bent over with his hands on his knees gasping for air and said between breaths

"I ran because I tried not to be late" he stopped then said "my sister messed up my hair so I had to redo it, sorry"

I giggle a bit and say "it's fine"

He said "ok let's go in"

We went inside and he put in 40$ in the machine

He handed me 20 coins and I said "thank you love" and smiled

And he said "oh and u made fun of me??"

I followed him as he looked for a fun game and then spotted a pinball machine he walked over to it and said "wanna try and beat each overs high score"

I nod but i knew he was gonna win

Vance started hitting the buttons on the side  and then made the ball stuck on a piece and I look at him and say "cheater" of course I'm joking

He said "nope,"

He ended getting a high score I watched him pull out a bunch of tickets it was my turn I didn't last long and Vance laughed a bit

We played for hours he always won he ended up with tons off tickets we walked to the prize  counter
He got me a (favorite animal ) stuffed animal 

I said "aww Vance I love it! Thank you"

He smiled and said "no problem dollie"

I kissed him

He said "I'll walk you home"


He walked me home to my door "thank you Vance really,"

"Good bye love" I said he said "goodbye" and I closed the door and my mom said   

"soooo how did it go?"

Sorry that it's short I was busy today

The black phone one shots🤭🤭Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ