How you met each character

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Finney Blake:
You were friends with Gwen and she introduced u to Finney her brother, and you 2 hang out quite often you guys even had Science together (science partners)

Robin Arellano:
Both ur moms are bsf and ur guys mom made u hang out together so they agreed to let u and his uncle go to Texas Chainsaw massacre it was a bit weird but u guys talks while u guys went to go get pop corn and Hot Dogs, he would tease u if u got scared of jumped

Bruce yamada
: you have a brother that is on Bruce's team they are like bsf 2, but Bruce came up to ur brother and asked to have a sleepover with ur brother Harley(u hanged out with them)

Vance hopper
:you 2 met in school, his mother paid u  8$ a hour to tutor him, he was hard to tutor tbh
He sorta would tease u a bit 2 when u would get a bit annoyed that he isn't paying attention

Billy showalter:
He would deliver news papers every day but you would wait for him to get it personally, you 2 would maybe give each other complement when u would see each other and you to started hanging out

Griffen stagg:
You 2 met at the library, sometimes you guys would sit at the same table and read, you would sometimes try to make small talk he would talk for a bit and then stop he was nervous asf, you asked him to hang out he felt bad saying no to u 2 hanged out at ur house playing Nintendo together


A/N: Ik it's short but I'll post as much as I can

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