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Fifteen years have passed for Ryder, She and Jared have started dating officially. Charlie almost had a heart attack when they told him but he accepted Jared since he basically seen the lad grow up.

Emily and Sam have got two kids age seven and three both girls and Coilin and Brady imprinted on the girls. Sam went mental and chased the lads for two days straight.

Paul imprinted on Jake's sister Rachel and are dating and have two boys.

Leah and Alec both got married and are living happily along side Seth and Jane.

Embry imprinted on a girl named Amber who he has been crushing on for months

Jacob and Kim are married and have two kids.

Everyone got their happy endings. The Cullens often visits to make sure the twins are behaving themselves and Bree wants to see Ryder so Sam approves of the visits. Ryder never had connected with her mother and never made plans too. She got her mom and dad and her family anyone outside of it never matter to her.

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