Chapter 4

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It's been a week since I've been with the killjoys. I've started developing connections and friendships with everyone, especially Party, which surprises me since they were kinda an ass when we met. It feels good to be free from the barriers of Battery City. I think about it often. When I was living there, I had no freedom and everyday was the same. While I'm out here, everyday is different and I can actually experience things and feel things. It's awesome. Though I don't quite understand everything, everyone has been a huge help.

I wake up in the morning to hearing someone tapping a beat on my door. "wakey wakey sunshine" Fun Ghoul calls out to me. I groan, tiredly getting up and walking out the door to see what Ghoul wants. "Yes?" I say as I open my door to see Ghoul grinning at me excitedly. "Everyone just left to see Dr D and left me to stay with you since your lazy ass wouldn't wake up and I have an idea" he explains. I stare at him not knowing what to say. "Can I at least eat first?" I ask. "Mhm, I'll explain while you are eating" he says.

Once I sit down with my food, Fun Ghoul sits across from me. "Sooooo, what is your opinion on having a little makeover?" He asks smirking. "What does this makeover consist of?" I ask, interested in his question. "Well first of all, you are still in those gross white clothes from when you ran away, it's screaming BL/Ind. Now that you are a killjoy, we gotta make you look the part" He explains. I smile. I've been dying to get out of these filthy clothes.

"I like it, when are we doing this makeover?" I respond. "Is after you eat good? I wanna do it before everyone gets home cause I wanna see the stupid looks on there faces" Ghoul says while giggling. I quickly finish my breakfast.

Once I finish, Ghoul leads me to the bathroom. "So I'm thinking something like this would be cool" Ghoul says as he suddenly pulls out multiple cans of hair dye from a cabinet. Oh wow. "This" I say as I point to my color dye of choice. "Alright then" He says as he prepares to start the dyeing process.

"So k/n" Ghoul says as he is applying the dye onto my hair "what's goin on between you and Party?" Huh?! What the hell does he mean? "We are friends, is there a problem with that?" I say confused. "I've seen the way you look at each other, there's something there" He says laughing. What does he mean? As far as I know, I don't see anything strange about me and Party's friendship. "I don't see anything wrong" I respond.

"Alright k/n, but seriously be honest, what do you feel about Party?" Ghoul asks. He is really trying to get me to say something huh. To be fair, Party is very attractive and I like their personality though they are kinda an asshole sometimes, but I just don't think it would work. Am I admitting to myself that I like Party Poison? "Well they're pretty and I like their personality. They are also good with a gun which is pretty cool and it's fun to practice shooting with them. I don't know" I say awkwardly, hoping it will let me off of Ghoul's hook. "sounds like you like 'em" Ghoul says casually. I sigh "I guess so maybe" I say. Ghoul quietly laughs to himself, proud he as made me admit my feelings. Now that I've told him I feel nervous. "Ghoul I swear if you tell them you'll be dusted in a second" I threaten. Ghoul smiles "oh I won't". What the hell is he planning.

After a while of trying to get him to tell me his dumb plan, we finally get done dyeing and washing my hair. I look in the mirror. "wow" I say under my breath. "You like it?" Ghoul asks. "I love it" I say as i smile and thank him. "Now lets choose an outfit" Ghoul says, leading me to his room.

Ghoul showed me some clothes he didn't wear anymore and let me choose what I wanted. I ended up choosing an outfit that was a similar color to my hair. I looked down at my outfit and was in awe. So this is what I've been missing out on all this time I was in Battery City? Wow. "Lookin good k/n" Ghoul said smiling. "I love it thanks so much" I say, smiling back. "No problem, now we just wait for everyone else to get home" Ghoul said.

We waited around for a bit and talked until the others came back. "Heyyy how was your trip without us?" Ghoul yelled as everyone entered the diner. "It was fine" Jet Star responded. He then turned to face me "Oh damn k/n you look cool! Definitely looking more like yourself now" Jet complimented. Everyone starts complimenting me except Party. They just stared at me. Once everyone got settled, we all sit down together to talk.

"So I was thinking maybe we could hit a bar or something tonight since k/n has never been to one. What do ya think?" Ghoul says, obviously attempting to be persuasive. "Sounds fun to me" Kobra says grinning. Everyone else agrees with him. "Well then, we'll leave in an hour?" Ghoul suggests. Everyone agrees once more and gets up to do their own stuff.

I went to my room just to think about some stuff. This whole day has been confusing. First I wake up to Ghoul wanting to give me a makeover and now he wants to take me to a bar? Is the bar thing part of Ghoul's plan like he was inferring about earlier? I have so many questions I can't even get answered.

After a while on sitting and thinking to myself, Kobra knocks on my door "Hey get your ass out here we're leaving" He yells. "Alright coming!" I yell back, soon leaving my room. This is going to be interesting.

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