star: avoiding problems

Start from the beginning

"It's burnt-"

Mingyu glared over his shoulder.

"It's great!" She widened her eyes, poking at a piece of blackened bacon. "Definitely better than anything Star would make."

They both dropped their heads, knowing if they were to make eye contact they would burst into a fit of laughter. Mingyu wasn't the strongest soldier when it came to Satine and her "cooking" - if it could even be classed as such.

On Sunday, she had baked a cake and forgot the baking powder and eggs. Long story short, they were served an inverted cake and had to force a smile.

For all her beauty and brains, she seriously lacked in the kitchen department.

"Why is it you call her Star, anyway?" Mingyu sniffed away his laugh, becoming curious by the duo. "She play it in the Nativity or summin'?" He was convinced she'd be the best God-damn star the worlds ever seen. The girl never did anything half-arsed.

Diana's eyebrow raised as if he was an idiot. "Do I really have to answer that question?"

The name was given at birth and adopted by many. A cherub-like child, precious and darling. The town's people used to glance into her pram and coo at her huge rosy cheeks and pouty lips, hoping that one day they were able to bear a child so enchanting. Satine was the talk of the town for many years, and every day she developed further and further into her charms. A star of a girl; the type to look fitting on top of a Christmas tree.

"Paired well with her name, duh?" Diana's tone was patronising but in a light-hearted way. Otherwise, Mingyu would have snatched that look straight off of her face. He knew exactly why Satine was given that name, mostly because she blinded anyone when walking into a room.

She had a gift that one did, especially when it came to wrapping her full lips around his cock. She was the real star of the show in that department.

"Okay, so what about you? How'd you get nicknamed Dotty?" He propped against the counter, gaining more and more confidence with the brunette.

"I shoot polka-dots out my ass."

His mouth dropped open. Okay, so not the response he was expecting.

A massive snort escaped her nose as she watched him, eventually shaking her head at his naivety. "It was either that or Di, and I don't exactly want to be known as Die. Dotty's cute and I think it suits me."

It was cute. Her schoolmates had given her that name for being so ditzy. She was always playing, always laughing and always kind. It was fitting for her character and truthfully, Diana was happy someone had taken the time to get to know her properly enough to give her a nickname.

"I'm so gonna call you Di now."

"Don't." Her soft tone suddenly hardened, and he was almost intimidated.

"No can do, Di." He reached forward to swipe up her empty mug, but she clearly had the same idea. His hand brushed hers and they both let of an inaudible gasp.

They convinced themselves it was just static.


They chilled for the rest of the day, finally without Mingyu regretting Diana's entire existence. It was no longer uncomfortable or awkward. In fact, he rather enjoyed her company.

His friends came around like they often would without notice, and they all chatted away like Diana had been part of the group for as long as Satine. Mingyu smiled as he watched them all converse about random topics. He found out a lot that day. Diana could devour a whole bag of cheese balls in one sitting, she always sat cross-legged, she could shout louder than the rest of them during a ball game, and if you offer her whiskey, she'll bless you with a flying kiss.

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