Chapter 15 - Quest to look for Katherine

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Marley was on a quest to look for Katherine. Faye and Magnus went home in New York. Marley used her shadowhunters skills to find her, to find Katherine. She found her in Chicago. So, she went there and was shocked to see that Katherine was a double ganger of Elena. Not that she already knew, but to see this close, is kind of freaky.

After Marley observed Katherine, she came towards her. “Are you Katherine?”

She looked at her. “Who’s asking?”

“I’m Marley Miller.” Marley replied to her. “And I’m asking you because of Damon Salvatore.”

Katherine grabbed her neck. “Listen you little bitch, I don’t know how you know him and how you found me, but go away and forget this.”

Marley pretended to be scared for a moment, but then she smirked. “Oh,  kitty Kat, you need to learn about what more in this world.” She held her hand up and Katherine grabbed her head.

“Ahh.” She exclaimed. “What are you?”

Marley smirked. “I’m a Shadowhunter and a Warlock, I’m both. And I can make your life even more miserable, so, why did you let believe Damon that you were in the Tomb?”

“I’m going to murder you!” Katherine exclaimed.

“Buzzkill.” Marley comment. “And  besides, I’m hard to kill. So, Tomb?”

Katherine looked at her. “I made a deal with a man, so I could escape my fate. I let the world believe that I was in the Tomb.”

“About that, if I could find, then others can too.” Marley comment to her.

“We will see.” Katherine comment. “When I have the chance, I’m going to kill you.”

“I would like to see you try.” Marley smirked.

Katherine looked at her. “Do not challenge me.”

Marley held her hand up again. “Do not challenge me, little bitch.”

“Ahh.” Katherine shouted. “Urgh.”

Marley looked at her as then she broke her neck. “Evil little bitch, with no manners.” She comment. Then, she put something her that she could follow her.


Later, she called Damon. “I found your girl.” She told him.

“You found Katherine?” Damon asked to her.

“Oh, yes.” Marley replied. “And I may have done something.”

“What did you do?” Damon asked.

“I may have threatened her.” Marley replied.

Damon sighed. “Was she that bad?”

“No, it was rain in the sunshine, of course it was bad, dumbass.” Marley sassed.

“Sass.” Damon comment.

“Yes.” Marley told him. “But Damon, this woman isn’t good for you, she is just sitting there, like a sitting duck in a pound, waiting for something to happen.”

Damon sighed. “I know, but did you ask about me?”

“Oh yes, we had a lovely talk about you, until I broke her neck and left her there on the street.” Marley replied.

“Right.” Damon comment. “Anything else?”

“Nope.” Marley popped with the ‘p’.

“Okay.” Damon comment they hung up.


The next day, Marley was walking in the town. When, she bumped into someone, it was Katherine. “Ow.” Marley comment.

“Would you look out?” Katherine groaned as then she looked who it was. “Oh, it’s you.”

“Yeah, its me.” Marley sighed. “Look, I was just going.”

Katherine stopped her. “How could you have broken my neck?”

“With magic.” Marley replied to her. “And I can do it again, if you want.”

“You wouldn’t.” Katherine snarled.

Marley stepped forward. “Oh, I would.”

“I’m beginning to like you.” Katherine pointed at her.

“And I don’t.” Marley comment.

Katherine smirked. “You remind me of someone.”

“I don’t know if that’s a complicate or an insult.” Marley told her.

“Both, sweetheart.” Katherine comment, smirking.

“Hmm.” Marley hummed. “Thanks, I think.”

“Your welcome.” Katherine smirked.
Marley rolled with her eyes as then she walked away from her. She went back to the hotel.


Marley was on the phone with Bonnie. “How are you, Bonnie?” She asked.

“I don’t like it with my dad.” Bonnie replied. “And I miss my Grams.”

“Understandable.” Marley told her. “You just lost her. Give it time, be angry, scream, grieve, its all in the process.”

“Yeah, you are right.” Bonnie sighed.

“Give it time, even with Elena. I know you blame her and others.” Marley told her.

“I will.” Bonnie told her. “It just…” She trailed off.

“I understand.” Marley comment. “I really do, that’s why I say, give it time.”

“I know.” Bonnie told her.

Marley sighed a little. “I will be back soon, but maybe could you keep me posted on what is going on in the town, when you are back.”

“I will.” Bonnie told her.

“Okay.” Marley comment. “Bye.”

“Bye.” Bonnie said as then they hung op the phone.

Then, Marley walked to her window and looked outside. “Something is coming and it’s already brewing.”

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