chapter 33 • she's still here; i haven't figured out why she exists here

Start from the beginning

"all right, the uh, readings on my website, and i'll see you tuesday." older adam reminded his students.

the class emptied out, leaving only older adam and his father in a room alone together.

"adam?" his father realized.

"dad." older adam nodded.

"dad!" adam said, running into the empty classroom.

"adam?" his father asked, confused.

i walked in after him, smiling at adams excitement.

adam wrapped his arms around his father.

"is.. is this time travel?" he asked.

"mhm." i nodded.

we exited the classroom, explaining to adams dad as we walked out of the building.

"so, he came from 2050 and got you?" adams dad asked.

"yes." adam answered.

"how old are you now?"


"and your friend?"

"this is my girlfriend, cherry. you actually get to meet her. she's thirteen."

adams father, who i learned was named louis, looked up at the older version of his son.

"why did you need your twelve year old self and his girlfriend?" louis asked.

"i didn't need them." older adam denied.

"you needed me to fly the jet." adam pointed out.

"and you need me because i'm funny." i said.

"jet? there's a jet?" louis asked.

"there's a jet, my jet. what i meant was i didn't need you originally." older adam explained.

"2022 was a mistake." adam replied.

"and you flew this jet?" louis asked.

"yes." adam nodded.

"did you though?"

"is that my jacket? looks a little tight on you."

"that's what i said!"

"you look like a condom with buttons."

i laughed.

"this is fun. i'm having fun. are you?" adam asked his younger self.

"condom." adam repeated, and we laughed once more.

"and why was 2022 a mistake?" louis asked.

"i wasn't supposed to be there. neither is cherry. that's why she's still here; i haven't figured out why she exists here." older adam replied.

"neither of you are supposed to be here!"

"you don't say!"

"they shot him when he stole the jet." adam explained.

"please don't tell him that." older adam replied.

"you stole a jet?"

"damn, you're in trouble."

"you stole a jet?"

"why would you he need to know that?"

the pair of adams began to argue.

"okay, stop. both of you stop talking now. do you realize how absolutely wrong this is? you can't be here. you can't be anywhere but your own timeline." louis asked older adam.

𝐅𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄, adam reedWhere stories live. Discover now