The Crush Pt. 1

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Inspired by The Sims 4 Anorexia

You are sitting in your local coffee shop sipping on your favorite drink and catching up on some study one weekend morning. From your seat, you occasionally look up to people and watch other shop patrons. You see a mom walk in to get her screaming child a vanilla bean frappe. There's an insurance agent in khakis and a button-up, carrying a picket sign reading "I dislike Arze."

As the day goes on you see many different people, and forget about them soon after. Until they walk in.

They were perfect.

Soft fluffy brown hair.

Deep, dark, sparkling eyes.

And a charming smile.

Dumbfounded, you watch them open-mouthed as they pick up their drink order from the bar. It was an iced lavender latte with oat milk. That just added to your already high opinion of them.

Before you work up the courage to walk up and introduce yourself, they exit the shop.

Though you weren't quick enough to approach them, you are quick to make a plan.

A plan to capture the attention of this ethereal person.


Later that night you stop by the grocery store to pick up things required for your plan; Skinny juice, skinny serum, and skinny paste.

As your checking out you find a magazine advertising the ultimate workout. You glance through the magazine before deciding to purchase it. It might help you attract the attention of the coffee shop hottie sooner than you planned.

"This is my favorite product right now," the cashier exclaimed as she scans the skinny serum. "Being skinny is slay but can be damaging for many people," she warns, "there was a girl who got skinny and died doing a backbend."

You consider her warning. "Well I'm not really flexible like that so I think I'll be fine," you tell her as you swipe your overdrawn credit card and take the plastic shopping bag from the cashier. You don't care about debt or the environment.


Lying on the floor of your bedroom you read the magazine, taking notes of the workout.

"8 rounds of 40 burpees? That sounds...."

"Excessive?" A voice finishes.

Startled by the voice you sit up quickly.

"Y/n," the voice starts again "this is not recovery oriented."

Turning around to find the source of the voice you see Dirk come out of your closet

"But I'm just doing this to get someone's attention," you explain "I don't actually care about being skinny!"

"I think this is a deeper rooted issue y/n. Why do you think being in a smaller body will help you gain the attention of this individual?"

You gape at Dirk unable to think of a logical answer.

"Exactly," Dirk says a gives you a serious look, furrowing his bushy brows. "Do you want people to be interested in you for your physical appearance or for who you are as a person?"

Considering his question you look down at your bare feet, wiggling your grippers before answering him.

"I would want the to like me as a person," you say still looking at your barking dogs, "but I feel like I need to get their attention through my physical appearance."

"Y/n, look into my eyes," Dirk says.

You reluctantly look into his eyes which are crinkled at the edges in concern.

"There are many ways to get someone's attention," he starts "I can help you with exploring those options."

"So you'll be my wingman?" you ask.

"Do all foods fit?" he says cheekily.

You don't know what Dirk's answer is because you don't know the answer to that question. He takes your silence as confusion and says, "The answer is yes, y/n."

To be continued...

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