Getting to know the place

Start from the beginning

Sighing I told him what happened and who was there, to say he was mad would be an understatement. He is livid, but I managed to calm him down just in time because I pulled into the dinner parking lot

"Jer, it's okay. I said what I needed to say and that's all" Jer calmed down knowing I needed to tell Elena the truth of how I felt but he hates that I did it alone and not with someone there for me.

Getting a booth in the dinner we look around to a big group of people, sitting on different sides of a table. On one side was three adults and twin boys and the other side was three adults with 7 kids, after ordering our food I notice something "Jer, that big group back there" I point behind me making him look over my shoulder to them "Yeah, what about them?" he asked "Their supernatural" I whisper

Another one of my powers, I could tell if someone was human or not. Comes in handy at times like this "Do you know what they are?" Jer asked, worried not that I blame him, we left town to get away from the supernatural.

We knew we couldn't always outrun them because we are part of that world, but we wanted to stay out of it before a bit longer "Three are human, one is a banshee, and the others are type B werewolves" before Jer could say anything our food comes out. For him it is eggs with bacon but for me it is pancakes with blueberry's Seeing as I'm vegetarian we start eating in silence before Jer breaks it "Okay, look we do nothing. We're here to start new and we don't need to get involved with any supernatural things. So, we mind our own business and go on with our lives" I nod in agreement, we don't need to get involve if it doesn't have anything to do with us

We ate the rest of our food, talking and laughing but I could feel the eyes of the group on us... or me to be specific. I know they would be looking at me more because even if Jer was born to protect me, I was and always will be the more powerful one between the two of us, so it makes senses for them to feel my power, we talk about going to the mall for clothes and school supplies

~BOYD P.O.V. ~ (Yes, I'm doing Isabella and Boyd, the alpha pack never took Boyd. Derek made four betas, Isaac, Boyd, Erica and Leo so Erica and Leo were taken but not the alphas but Blake)

Me and the pack are sitting with the alpha pack, coming to an agreement on what to do. Over the past months things have been crazy with Gared coming and trying to kill off my pack and Scott, then Erica and Leo left because they thought another pack was here and was going to join. Erica was a girl I was starting to like while Leo was her brother and my best friend. Apparently, Miss. Blake, our new teacher is the one that killed them, and the alpha pack is here to take her down not to get Derek. Scott finally joined the pack when his mom found out what happens to wolves without one, but Stiles and Allison are kinda pack, it's confusing.

Anyways we were talking about the best ways to get to Blake, Scott wanted to sit down and talk to her, but everyone ignored him even Stiles and Allison knowing talking won't fix anything. In the middle of talking we suddenly felt two powerful forces enter the dinner, we all turned to see two people walking in.

One boy and one girl who look about the same age, they both radiate power but the girl has so much more. I can't see the girl because she has her back facing us, but the boy has brown hair with brown eyes, nothing really special. "Who are they?" Stiles asks, seeing us looking at the two kids "Don't know, must be new. But they are powerful, especially the girl" I tell him "Should we confront them?" Scott asked making me and Isaac roll our eyes

I look at Derek before he gives me a nod and I with the others start listening in on them "They seem normal just here for breakfast" I tell him when I pick up what the girl says "Jer, that big group back there" she points to us, the guy looks over her shoulder and we all turn back to each other but keep listening in

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