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Win after eating his breakfast directly went to his father.
When he got inside the room he saw his father sitting with his specs on and reading a book.
Win knocked on the door indicating his presence. His father looked up at him and gestured win to sir in the chairthat is front of him.
Win goes and sit on the chair silently not saying a words.

Both of them didn't speak atleast for five minutes. Win was getting very awkward with this silence. So he decided to break this silence.
He cleared his throat and began.

"Um.. Dad what do you want to discuss with me" He said in a small voice.
His father looked at him without any expression then took off his specs and began to speak.

"Win...i don't want to bet around the bush so i will directly come to the point. " He said being totally serious. Win gulped hard hearing his father's voice.

"You are graduated, but still you don't have any job and I told you to took over the company but you are not. It's ok if you don't want to but at least finding one. you are not even finding any job" He said.

"But dad I've already told you I want to start my own business my own bakery, but you aren't allowing me to do it so tell me,then how will I earn" Win said.

"Win I have already told you for thousands of time, I will never allow you to do it" Mr opas said getting angry.

"And I have already told you I will not do any other job apart from this" Win too said in same energy as his father.
Mr opas calmed down a bit.

"Let it be, I didn't call you here to argue with you on this thing. So let me get to the point. " He said, win nodded.

"So one of my business partner who is also my best friend, recently his son have took over his company. I have meet his son who is very talented and clever. He is handsome too.
And I want to do partnership with them, so I have made the-" Win cut off his dad and said.

"Dad, why are you telling me this all. I am not interested in this business of your. And why are you telling me about his son" Win asked frowning and also a bit angry.

"Don't cut me off in the middle let me finish first" Mr opas said being angry now. Win looked down.

"So I've made the decision that you are going to marry his son... " Mr opas said.
Win who was listening his eyes got widened and screamed.

"WHAT!, dad what do you mean by I will marry him. No way dad I am never going to do it. I am sorry" Win said as he got up to leave.

"Who said I was asking your permission, I have already said yes to them and the date of the marriage is also fixed it's next week you can't deny it now win" Mr opas said.

"Dad how can you do it to me, it's my life why can't I live it in my own way, why I have to sacrifice myself, my life for your business, I am sorry dad but I will not do it" Win said crying as his tears started to flow and he ran away.
Win was in his room all day crying, his mother and sister have tried to explain to him and console him but he didn't listen to them.

He was wondering why was his life like this, why can't he do and live as he want.
It's his life.

First of all he is not allowed to do his dream job and now he is forced to marry a stranger.
He don't even know the name of the person he is going to marry. How will he spend his life with him.

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