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Mechamato does not belong to me but to Monsta. I'm just here to write stories 'bout them.


When he had first awoken to the sound of someone singing he was met with a blurry figure, a pink blur was the first thing he saw. The blur stopped singing, amongst the pink color he saw the color red, then he saw something falling out of it.

It saddened him so reached out to wipe the thing that fell, he wasn't sure why he did so.


He froze, he could see something moving, the blur's mouth, but...nothing.

He pressed his hand on the blur's face and a slight grin reached his lips, lacking it's usual mischief. It felt like second nature.

He couldn't remember what he said but he did know that everything turned to black.

The second time he come into consciousness it had felt like a lot of time had passed. Moreover he had awoken to something close to sobbing. He couldn't move nor see, he didn't know why, he felt like he should be able to. But admist it he could hear two different voices.

"Oh my dear little one if you can hear me please wake up" Warmth, he could feel something warm holding his hand. Then another layer of warmth came soon after.

"Please Amato...we miss your smile and presence here"

One had a higher pitch then the other was lower. He could feel himself slipping back to sleep so he squeezed the thing holding his hand.

And with that he passed out again, the sounds of their voices fading.

The third time it happened he could see and hear people talking. Before him were a group of people and an odd looking machine ball thing.

They looked familiar, he wanted to ask them about...something but nothing came out of his mouth.

He tried again, the feeling of something cutting his throat stopped him from going any further, it had hurt. Not long after he felt like he was choking.

He began to wonder how he got into that state, when had it began? But all he could think of was the red liquid in his hands that came out of his mouth and the panicked screaming of someone.

He looked up wanting to know what was happening only to be met with crimson colored eyes.

"Amato...Look at me"

Ignoring the chaos that seem to unfold before him, he complied.

It did numb the pain he was feeling afterall.

Quite a number of days had passed until the fourth one happened. He had woken up, looked to the side, 9 am the clock had displayed. Breakfast was the first thing that came to mind or rather out of instinct he went down expecting the sweet aroma of the pancakes his mom had promised.

There was none....but he could see her cooking said food, he could hear humming that tune she does whenever she's cooking, so why?

So he stood there dumbfounded, afraid to make a single move.

"Amato?" Now as his mother stood before him, face contorted into a concerned matter, he let himself be guided into the kitchen as a plate of pancakes was set before him.

A part of him felt frustrated while the other was confused.

At least he could still taste the pancakes.

The fifth and most recent...when it happened he was outside after what finally seemed like months.

He hummed a tune as he stared into the water, hands petting Oyen san's fur.

"Master Amato I have brought ice cream" The boy flinched before looking at huge robot behind him who was holding a vanila and chocolate ice cream.

Looking around a bit he pointed at himself. ""

The robot nodded happily before apologizing and giving him the chocolate ice cream. The robots around him often called him master or Amato...

He glanced at the robot who was letting the kitten he was petting eat his frozen treat. An unusual sight.

He shrugged it off before taking a lick of his own.

Sumurai glanced at the boy who froze with eyes wide that stared into the distance. "Is everything all right?"

"Huh? Oh..yeah I'm fine"

He couldn't taste it, it was just flavorless ice in a cone. the present it...everything was normal or at least it seemed normal, he could see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. His parents even allowed him to attend school.

What stumped him though was that he could remember the reason why he thought everything was back to normal and why he felt happy that they allowed to got to school, had they not allowed him before?.

It was odd, a boy in green wearing a hat immediately hugged him when he entered class, a dark skinned boy then commented on how he was uncharacteristically early this time, and how a girl in pink looked at him with concerned eyes.

He didn't know them but he felt like he should've.

Also something was missing, something round and red, he couldn't remember what.

The girl seemed to know though.


"Tsk this robot is much more challenging than normal" Amato muttered as he looked around for danger.

"Rubika is there any info on that robot?"

"--------- is a dangerous robot, capable of making it's victim suffer through taking something from them"

"Like what?" Mara questioned, a hand on her chin.

"Anything, it varies from one victim to another and it unclear since victims can't give a clear answer" The warden answered, face turning dark.

"One thing is clear, victims will inevitably lose their memories or a proper term for it is that they get locked up, they could remember what their name is but then next day they don't and then aftersome time they remember it again, some though are not as lucky..."

"Okay...but that doesn't answer-"

"Hold that thought Mara I want to ask something, Rubika why do I get the feeling that nobody managed to survive from it?" The boy's eyes narrowing at the silent robot.

".....I am afraid I can't answer that question"

"What do you mean-"

"Found you"


This idea had been plaguing my mind mind for a while. I don't know if I want to a whole story of it or a twoshot of it.

If you see this let me know.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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