Chapter 17

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Alban hangs up on the call with the detective. Scylla loses her breath immediately feeling how everything around her spins.

She tries to catch onto something not to fall onto the ground. The brunette grabs onto her desk choking in silence.

Scylla looks down feeling as if the time stopped passing. Through her spine, coursing multiple shivers and pinches. Hearing her lover captured in danger makes her feel empty inside.

She puts her weight fully against the counter of the desk finally able to catch fresh air. Her sight comes back to normal as the room stops spinning.

Anacostia enters the office. She quickly notices Scylla by her desk clearly pale. "What's happening?" The woman rushes to the table and puts an arm around the brunette so she wouldn't fall.

Ramshorn holds onto her friend's arms breathing heavily slowly coming back to life. "N-nothing. I just felt dizzy a little bit." Scylla explains letting go of Anacostia's hands.

"I've got to go. I'm sorry." Grabbing her badge and gun, the brunette attaches them to her belt. Scylla heads towards the exit still a little bit shocked and dizzy.

"Wait, but-" Anacostia starts but the brunette quickly disappears behind the corner. "What just-?" The woman questions herself wondering what is wrong with her co-worker.

Scylla looks around trying not to catch anyone's attention in her attempt to go underground to the archives. She walks down the stairs and opens the door.

Getting to the shelf with Alban Hearst's files, the brunette turns back to look if she's alone in the room. She grabs the documents and hides them under her coat. Zipping it up, Scylla leaves the archives and lets out a long exhale.

Her phone beeps in the back pocket of her pants. Ramshorn pulls it out and looks at the screen with a text from private number with an address.

Scylla exits the police station and gets inside of her vehicle. She starts the engine still not sure what her plan is. All she knows is that she has to save Raelle, she just has to.

Driving off the parking lot with a small squeak coming from her tiers, Scylla catches Anacostia's attention who looks out the window. "Very strange..." she hums to herself and watches the brunette driving away.

Quartermain walks over to her desk and types in Raelle's number to inform the woman about Scylla's odd behavior, but no one picks up. She tries to call Byron and the man picks up after a few seconds.

"Hey, By. Do you know where Raelle is? I wanted to tell her something but she's not picking up." Anacostia sits down in her chair waiting for response.

"Um- she was here. Raelle!" Byron yells through the ruins and walks outside to check if the blonde wasn't there but the place's empty. "Hm, weird." He picks up Raelle's smashed smartphone.

"I mean, she was here but now it seems like she's gone." The man says and Anacostia hums into the phone. She turns around to look out the window again.

"Once she's back tell her to call me or Scylla. Something's wrong and I don't know what." The older woman says and leans back in her chair.

"Yeah, Raelle's phone is destroyed laying here on the ground. As far as I know she never leaves without it since Scylla's pregnant." Byron says a little bit suspicious about the fact that his co-worker's missing.

"Anyway, let me know when you see her. Thanks, By." Anacostia hangs up on the call and sighs heavily wondering what is going on recently.


Scylla drives through the woods then through a single old road. She pulls up in front of an old house made from wood. The brunette looks around and loads her gun then hides it behind her belt in the back of her pants.

She gulps soundly seeing Alban who walks out of the house smiling from ear to ear. Scylla closes eyes taking a few deep breaths before getting out of the car.

Being that she's quite experienced detective she leaves her phone inside the vehicle just in case anybody found out about Raelle's missing.

"Well, well, well... it's been hell of a year, huh? Welcome, welcome in my humble abode! Come in!" Hearst points towards the front door of the house with a gun he's holding in his hand.

Scylla sighs heavily and enters the house. She opens the door seeing Raelle tied up to a chair by the fire. Her eyes soften immediately when the blonde comes to her sight.

Everything in her body is telling her to pull out the gun, kill Alban and rescue her lover but she knows she doesn't stand a chance in this position.

Raelle looks up at her girlfriend and tries to call for her but the tape holds greatly onto her mouth. She can feel an itching pain in the back of her head.

The brunette smiles sadly at her partner and winks at her with a hint of fear. Raelle immediately shakes her head wanting Scylla to leave her because of the high risk.

"Oh, sit down, sit down, sweetie." Alban starts walks over to a soft chair and dropping down on it. He gets comfortable in his seat pointing a gun towards Scylla which causes Raelle to scream against the fabric.

Ramshorn plops down on the couch and looks over at Alban. "Aren't you scared that I told someone?" She asks the man with strange confidence in her voice.

"No, you're too smart to do that. We'd be done here at the time they'd arrive, anyway." Hearst smiles devilishly. He turns towards Raelle. "You love her, don't you? That's why she wasn't at the crime scene."

"I'm a bit disappointed, I thought you'd choose someone wiser." Alban teases the brunette playing on strings of her patience. "Someone less dumb to get caught."

Scylla lifts herself from the couch but Alban points the gun at her once again. He shakes head aggressively. "Na-ah, Ramshorn! Sit back down or you'll have to say goodbye to your girlfriend."

The detective let's out a huff and sits back down. "Why are you doing this? You got out of the prison somehow and now you're seeking for revenge?"

Hearst lets out a small whine not sure how to answer. "Not exactly, Scylla. I just want a new start in life." Alban fakes a frown then bursts out in laugh.

"I've got your files. There's only one copy as I promised. Take them and lets us go." Scylla opens her coat and extends the documents over to the man.

Alban grabs the folder and smirks at them. "Finally, freedom. After all those years, locked up in a cell..." he says with excitement. "Go on, free your girl."

Scylla looks shocked at Hearst and slowly gets up while the man's inspecting his files carefully. He gets up from the chair walking towards the front door ready to disappear.

"Raelle... oh, my God, baby are you alright?" The brunette kneels down in front of her girlfriend and takes the tape off. "It's okay now. I've got you."

"Or actually, if you already mentioned the revenge..." Alban turns on his heel towards Scylla and Raelle. The brunette freezes in her spot when a loud bang comes from behind her.

"Ah, what a relief." Hearst says in a whisper inhaling the smoke and smell of fresh powder. "Goodbye, ladies!" He leaves the house slamming the door shut.

Scylla looks into Raelle's eyes as they water slightly. She looks down at the blood stain forming at the side of her torso. The blonde jumps in her chair noticing and tries to free herself.

Ramshorn drops down to the ground turning on her back when blood starts streaming from the wound and the corner of her lips. "Scylla! No, no, no!"

The brunette starts choking onto her blood that appeared in her mouth. The wheezing pain in her side causes Scylla to groan quietly. "I'm sorry." She whispers breathlessly when a tear rolls down her cheek.

"No, no, Scyl. Stay with me!" Raelle starts panicking and shuts her eyes trying to focus. She starts using a seed on her vocal cords to free herself from the ropes.

She drops down to her knees next to Scylla and presses hands on the wound as hard as she can. "Scylla, please stay with me." Raelle continues when the brunette starts choking onto the blood again.

"I'm- I'm so sorry." Scylla whispers again. "I had no choice..." she looks at her girlfriend as tears keep streaming down her cheeks.

Raelle uses another seed on the wound trying to stop the bleeding from Scylla's side. "Shut up, you don't have to apologize just yet." The blonde grasps her girlfriend's hand and squeezes it tightly.

The sirens of police cars and an ambulance come from the distance in the woods. Scylla smiles softly through the pain the wound causes. "It's going to be okay, Raelle..."

"Please, take care of her." The brunette says quietly and groans in pain again. Raelle shifts in her place and screams to get her co-worker's attention.

"What do you mean, Scyl? I'm taking care of you. You're going to be alright. I promise." Raelle leans down and kisses her partner's lips softly.

"Don't make a promise you can't hold on to." Ramshorn whispers against Raelle's lips. She chokes on her own blood again desperately catching onto the air. "I think my water just broke..."

The blonde looks down at her girlfriend's pants and a huge puddle of water. "No, Scyl... it's too early. You can't leave me like this now. Please, don't." Raelle begs when her eyes start to water more.

"Choose a beautiful name... don't let him take her away from you." Scylla squeezes the hand that she's holding onto and looks into Raelle's eyes deeply.

Her whole life's right in front of her. Flashbacks to the worst and the most beautiful moments of her life view in front of her eyes. The pain that she can feel from her side silences the pain of her giving the birth to a new life.

Byron and Anacostia together with a whole team of medics enter the house rushing towards the two women on the ground. Scylla faints and Raelle's heart drops in her chest thinking she's losing the love of her life already.

"Quick! Don't let her die!" She screams when the doctor checks the brunette's pulse and starts doing a massage on her heart. "Scylla, please stay with me!" Raelle cries out when Anacostia pulls her away from her partner.

The medics pack up Scylla into an ambulance after her heart beat comes back. Raelle desperately wanted to get in an ambulance with them but she got banned for it because of how bad the wound was.

Raelle sprints over to Scylla's car to drive after the ambulance but Anacostia stops her. "You can't drive like this. Do you want her to wake up and find out that you're dead?"

The older woman gets behind the wheel not letting Raelle answer her question. They follow the ambulance straight to the nearest hospital. "Move! Move! We've got an emergency!"

The two men with Scylla on top of a stretcher run inside of the building not giving Raelle a chance to catch up to them. "We need help now!" They yell knowing that every single second is crucial.

"Over here!" They scream again in time when Raelle reaches them and grabs Scylla's hand. "Hey, baby. It's going to be alright." She talks to the woman but Scylla's still unconscious.

A doctor comes in running towards them as the nurses take over the stretcher pushing it through the hallways to the surgery room. The doctor follows right behind closing the door in front of Raelle's face.

The blonde stares at the hospital crew running around her girlfriend. She drops down on the nearest chair and looks down at her bloody hands. "This can't be happening." She whispers.

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