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my eyes widened and i felt light headed.

"im sorry my lord, i dont understand" i stuttered, mentally cursing myself for feeling weak in front of him.

"i have a feeling something in the future will lead to my demise. What's better then having a ambitious smart girl at my side to help and an even great child, their power would be brutal. coming from both of us, he or she would be unstoppable... of course well be engaged in the eyes of the media, its only a formality that we get married before the child" his smirk contorted into a grin, thinking of the endless possibilities.

"but my lord, im only 17" i pushed, trying to stall because i still didnt know how i felt about this whole thing, i mean. serving the dark lord has been my dream since i was 13. And becoming his heir bearer would be a great achievement.

"im aware, which is why well wait until your 18ths birthday" he smiled, it was false but it made me smile also.

but then i realised that my birthday is in 4 months.

"do you accept this mission, becoming my right hand woman, my wife and the mother of our future child" he held out his arm, i grip his arm and nod.

"thats my girl" he said before letting go and turning towards a set of stairs.

once he ascended up, bella and the gang walked into the room. their smiles shining bright on their faces.

"did you say yes?" bella gripped my shoulders, slightly shaking me.

"i did" my cheeks burned

they all cheered and hugged me collectively

"my dear children, keep your voices down"the dark lord came into view. holding a small velvet box, he walked over to me and grabbed my hand gently, opened the box and slipped the ring on.

"now its official" he coughed, i looked down and caught myself oogling at the rock on my finger.

the dark lord apparated away, as well as avery and dolohov. "death eater business" lucius shrugged.

bella took my hand in hers and inspected the ring, twisting my hand in odd positions to get the ring to catch the light.

the boys started to look bored.

"how bout we go check out hogsmeade" i suggested, hopping to look around for new clothes, and maybe visit their wizarding bank for a portion of my fortune.

bella took my hand and apparated, we landed in this dark ally. i saw muttering nut jobs standing on the corners, pawing at my clothes as we strutted past. Once out of the ally i look past to see an old sign swinging with a brustle of wind. "nocturne ally" i read.

bella had swiftly pulled me through the crowd and into a nice warm hut, i could smell the butter beer from the door.

we sat down in a booth and ordered a round of butter beer.

we spoke of useless things like the up coming winter ball the malfoy annually held, what we were going to wear and who we were bringing.

"i believe you sister may have just walked in with her mudblood boyfriend you spoke about" seeing pasted bellatrix's shoulder and to the two figures holding hands, andromedas hair full of small snowflakes and the mudbloods hands were picking them out. they put their scarfs on a coat rack at the door and slid into a booth.

bellas head craned and she saw what i saw.

she rolled her eyes and stood up, heading straight to their booth. With me hot on her tail.

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