Lisa's Love

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(Y/n)'s Point of View,

I woke up in a rather foul smelling room. Although as my rusted eyes opened I noticed that the décor of the room contrasted the smell immensely. The walls were coloured pink and the bed sheet were soft and clean. There were framed scrolls on the walls that said romantic things like "You're mine" or "I love you".

But the second I looked to my right I realised why the place smelled so bad. I saw bars locking me in and outside those bars were other rooms with bars on them. I was in a dungeon. Probably a criminal dungeon. Now that I look I also see a bunch of chains hanging from the wall in front of me, they've been painted pink also.

I got up from my soft comfortable bunk bed and noticed that my sword was gone and my armour was replaced with what I could only assume to be wedding clothes. A formal shirt with a floral grey vest, trousers that felt expensive and a small box in my pocket.

I pull out the box and immediately notice the box is cursed with "Ownership" a curse that makes objects stay with you even if you throw them far away. And as suspected there is a wedding ring inside. As far the ring goes it looked pretty exquisite with diamonds studded across the whole ring. Someone made a big investment. The ring was also cursed with "Ownership" and "Bound" a curse that makes objects irremovable.

Both curses are used in the Speargaurdian military, "You shall never remove your helmet and you shall never leave your sword." Pretty fitting curse for a wedding ring belonging to a Knight.

I slowly approached the bars and all of sudden I was meet with all the reason as to why this place reeked so much. It was blood, vomit, piss and sweat, this was no regular dungeon this was where they tortured the worst of the worst. Why was I here?

I looked around into the other cells, Most guys hanging from the chains are so horribly bloodied up they almost seem to be melting, the guys who weren't chained where disabled badly, amputated but not treated, full of stab holes and barely living, this dungeon was the thing of nightmares for ordinary folks like me.

I look back into my flamboyantly decorated room and ask myself. "She wouldn't do that to me right?" I once again noticed the pink chains and thought that it was better not to push my luck.

I suddenly heard footsteps, Heavy and rhythmic. They had a metal clang to them signifying that the steps were from a knight wearing steel armour. Everyone started trembling in their cells. Some were panicking as they started scratching their skin. Others were screaming in absolute despair. The ones hanging, who I presumed to be dead, were very much alive and now were banging their head against the wall as if ending their own lives was better than experiencing whatever was coming down the stairs. The whole dungeon devolved into chaos.

The footsteps stopped as they reached the door. The chaos was muted. Silence befall the room that was almost deafeningly loud mere moments ago. No one dared move a muscle.

The door slide open revealing a young knight, a woman. The room stayed quite but the fear seemed to have turned into relief. The young woman was wearing a low ranking soldier armour and had a bit of chubby body, at least chubby for a soldier. The woman had only one key in her hand, she had the face of fear despite being the most powerful person in the room. She walked across the dungeon hall. Footsteps echoing through the room.

She stopped at my cell.

"(Y/n) Butchersmith. You are requested to be ready for the wedding. I am Daisy your escort."

She looked harmless. The others noticed that too but didn't say anything. In a normal situation she would've been victimized and bullied by people like the inmates in this dungeon. But she was in a position of power here. Although unfortunately her face still reflected fear as if there was any direct threat to her.

Yandere Knight X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now