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Soft fingers where sliding up and down Zulema's bare sternum, stopping on the center of her breast and going back up to the start of her neck, making her close her eyes to enjoy even more the nice feeling of being caressed so tenderly by the youngest.
There was nothing better then starting the day with a good morning sex, they agreed with this idea and it showed on the content smile the both had on their faces.
Macarena was resting her head on Zulema's chest, a leg on top of the oldest ones, enclosing her in an half hug and feeling her naked body as close as she could. She loved the warmth of Zulema's skin against hers, inhaling her unique scent of tabacco and shower gel and feeling her thorax rise and sink with every breath. Macarena just couldn't get enough of Zulema, as Zulema couldn't get enough of Macarena.

The oldest put a hand on the blonde's bare hip, caressing with her thumb long the stretched skin of her belly. It was getting bigger by the day and she thought that the pregnancy was making Macarena look even more beautiful, if it was possible.
"How is the little scorpion doing in here?" Zulema asked softly, opening her eyes and looking at the ceiling.
Macarena chuckled, she just loved when Zulema called the baby like that.
"She is doing fine. She's so kind to not give me nausea today." Macarena answered not leaving that content smile from her lips.
"But I think she is getting hungry." She then added, feeling the need of doing breakfast creeping in her stomach.
Macarena broke away from the half embrace and rested her back on the mattress, bringing bot of her hands on her stomach.
Zulema already missed the warm contact of the blonde's skin against hers but didn't complain about it.
Turning to her side to face the youngest, she lifted her upper body with her elbow and rested her head on the palm of her hand.
"Just other five minutes and I will prepare breakfast." Zulema softly said, bringing her free hand towards Macarena's round belly and making the tip of her fingers slide with a random pattern long her skin.
Her hand stopped abruptly when she felt a little pressure against her fingers coming from inside of Macarena. It was almost imperceptible and lasted just a second.
Her brown eyes searched the green ones of the blonde to make sure she didn't just imagine it.
"Did you feel it too?" Macarena asked, herself not knowing if it was true or not. It was the first time the little girl interacted with her mother's belly.
Zulema just nod slowly and both their smile grew, making their teeth show and Macarena's dimples pop out.
"She really waited for you to put your hand on my belly to do this, huh?" The blonde said rising a brow and caressing her belly with both hands.
"Well I wouldn't be surprised, she already loves me." Zulema said with an expression that said 'obviously she waited for me duh!' and rested her hand flat on Macarena's roundness, hoping to feel another little bump of the baby that sadly didn't arrive.
"So full of yourself." The blonde said, rolling her eyes trying to stay serious but at the end she let out a laugh.
Zulema scoffed, chuckling afterwards.

"I'm going to prepare breakfast." The oldest said, letting out a sigh and leaning forward to place a soft kiss on Macarena's lips. "Is there something in particular you want?" She then asked after having brought her gaze down to the blonde's belly and poking it softly with her index finger, as to get the attention of the creature inside of it.
"Hmmm.. I thing she wants you to chose something." Macarena smiled softly at the woman next to her.

She couldn't believe how much Zulema changed in those last months. She really made her wall crumble down and just accepted to be loved and to give love.
Behind that cold and hard facade was hidden a soft woman after all who just needed affection.
It's incredible what being mistreated can do to a person.
If Zulema was grown in another family, with a loving mother who wouldn't have sold her to a disgusting man, Macarena was sure she would have never ended up in prison.
Zulema ended in that hole just because she wanted her daughter after all, but they took her away from her, not letting her even chose the name.
Macarena wondered what she would have called Fatima if she had the chance tho.

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