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A few days passed and a black car was parking in the large sandy space next to their shared van.

A tall girl with long dark brown hair and black sunglasses on, exited the vehicle being pleasant surprises by the nice hiding place Zulema and Macarena found to stay.

"Elfo del punto infierno!" Saray unfolded her lips in a big smile when she saw Zulema coming out of the van, wearing a total black outfit and combat boots that made her look a bit taller, but still not enough to reach the gitana's height. She noticed immediately how skinny her friend became, the tear tattoo under her eye and how long her hair grew.
Saray couldn't believe how much the oldest changed, not even resembling a bit like the prison Zulema she was used to see every day. But still her beauty remained unmatched.
"Gitana." Zulema greeted back while bot where walking towards eachother. Then Saray opened her arms and captured her long time sister in a strong hug that Zulema returned. Apart from Macarena, Saray was the only one that had the pleasure to get some gestures of affection from the Arabic woman.

"No way! You are pregnant?" Saray blurred out, still hugging Zulema, when her eyes fell on Macarena that just exited the van, noticing the prominence of her belly covered by a shirt with the face of a tiger printed on it.
"So it seems." Macarena said with a chuckle, widening her arms to hug her friend too.
"I guess you two have a lot to tell me." The gitana then said, taking off her sunglasses, still with a big smile printed on her face.


"And who is the father? Don't tell me it's Zulema." Saray chuckled, hitting Zulema's arm in a playful way with her elbow.
"Funny." Zulema said with a straight face, not leaving her eyes from the meat she put on the grill.
It was lunch time and since outside the weather was nice, the three decided to set up a barbecue with cold beers and some music in the backround.
"Com'on, I doubt that nothing ever happened between the bot of you." The tallest amusedly said to tease the two girls but her jaw dropped slightly when the two didn't say a word, not even looking at Saray. Zulema continued turning around the hamburgers and steaks on the grill with a fork while Macarena was arranging the table outside, putting some sliced bread and plates on it.
"OH MADRE DE DIOS!" The gitana said with her loud tone of voice standing next to Zulema that, at those words, brought her eyes up to the sky for an instant. "WHIT THE RUBIA? FOR REAL?" Saray continued, receiving a sharp look from her friend.
"Shut up and eat." Zulema simply said and handed her a plate with different types of meat on it. Macarena laughed, looking at the dynamic of the two friends.
"But you are right, strangely Zulema is not the father." Macarena said jokingly with a chuckle when Saray sat on the table next to her, followed right away by Zulema that was bringing two plates with food: one for her and one for Macarena.
"Are you in contact with the father?" Saray asked after swallowing a slice of steak and the blonde shook her head.
"No, it was an accident. I didn't even know very well that person." Macarena confessed a bit embarrassed but as usual Saray was really comprehensive and didn't judge her for it.
"Don't worry about it, we women are strong. We don't need some stupid idiot to help us grow our daughters. Take me for example: I was a single mom, with no one to help me with my child but look! Here I am, 13 years later, with Estrella living a happy normal life while I married a beatiful woman that supports me in everything and treats Estrella as if she was her own daughter." The gitana explained with a smile, reassuring Macarena that unfolded her lips upwards. She really appreciate the words of the tallest since sometimes she was wondering if the child would feel the need to have a male figure in her life, but knowing that Estrella is growing up perfectly fine without one made her feel a bit better about it.
"I really needed to hear this." Macarena's smile widened, bringing on hand on her belly to caress it gently.
"Yeah, really it's not as bad as you might think." Saray said, taking then a sip of her cold beer. "And then Zulema can be her father figure here. She has more balls then any man I have ever known." She then added, winking at Zulema that stopped chewing for an instant the peace she had in her mouth to look at Saray with an unreadable expression.
The smile in Macarena's face also dropped, knowing the truth that Zulema wouldn't even be able to see her child come to this world. It was a dream for her, to have the oldest by her side, growing that little baby together and living a simple life where the bot could love eachother. But it all remained just in her imagination, nothing more.
"What?" Saray asked, noticing how the atmosphere became tense all of a sudden when Zulema just continued eating and Maca stopped smiling. At the question the blonde blinked a few times her eyelids, trying to put aside those hurtful thoughts and, unfolding her lips in a smile that didn't reach her eyes, she changed subject.
"When did you actually get married?" Macarena asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere that was getting heavy, drinking then a bit of her water with ice.

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