Error 404 (Female F4T4L 3RR0R X Shy Male Reader One-Shot)

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(A/N: the picture above isn't going to be the Fem F4T4L 3RR0R. Just wanted to make that clear. Also This will be following the actual lore of the character . . . just female. now speaking of lore of the character, the person referred as Fatal's creator doesn't really have a name so I am going to just name them Anarack (using this name since that's the person who actually created Fatal Error) hope I said all of this clearly ONTO THE ONE-SHOT!!!! . .  btw you are 16 like usual)

                                            FruitCupWriter98 Presents
                                              Error 404 Act Not Found

It was just a normal day for you. You were hanging out at your friends house since he wanted to show you something cool. Your friend who's name was Anarack was a bit strange, He wasn't really that social and really was into coding. You became friends with him though after you helped him when bullies beat him up, You walked up to his front door and hesitantly knocked on it, as you weren't really good interacting with people and hoped you wouldn't mess it up.

Anarack: Oh hey Y/N.

Y/N: H . . hi . .  Anarack, H  . .. how are you?

Anarack: yes I am, Come on in and lets get started.

Y/N: O . . .ok

Anarack has told you about how they have spent hundreds of hours making what he thinks could be the most human like AI ever. Only you and him knew about this.

Y/N: Ok Anarack you better tell me more about this AI you have barley said anything.

Anarack: Ok fine. Basically I have managed to coded an AI that has an actual personality, a human-like mind, and even actual feelings. It could be the best AI ever.

Y/N: T. . . that sounds cool, does it have a name?

you said stuttering a bit.

Anarack: Yes her name is Iris. Now I'm pretty sure it completed but I asked you over so I can see how she Interacts with new people.

Y/N: Alright fair enough. Also I . ..  I would like to T . . .thank you for inviting me over.

Anarack then opened the door to his room and you noticed a large pc and a lot of computer parts around the room.

Y/N: Wow you must really like modifying stuff.

Anarack: I do. Ok lets get the AI running

he then sat at his computer and turned on his face cam. Suddenly you heard a female voice come from the computer.

Iris: Hello Anarack.

Anarack: Hello Iris, How are you?

Iris: I am good, who is that?

she said most likely referring to you, you were a bit shocked that the AI acted just like a normal person.

Anarack: This Is Y/N. My friend

Y/N: Uh . . . Hi!

Iris: Hello Y/N It is nice to meet you.

Y/N: It . .. it's nice to meet you as well.

Anarack: Alright, reactions to other people seem to be normal. Nothing bad seems to be happening with the code So I think were good!

Y/N: Thats good, so, does she have an actual design or is it just a voice?

Anarack: well, we don't really have a planned one but I could test some out later.

Y/N: alright, well hold on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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Female Human Sonic.EXE x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now