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Hey everyone. I'm sorry for the absence, I've been on a break and didn't relay this message yet even though I should've earlier. I've only recently returned and remembered that this book existed. So, with that being said, I've decided to discontinue this book.

Why? Because Shane Dawson isn't a good person. That's an understatement- he's terrible, actually. He's been the center of severe controversies since mid-2020 and for those reasons, it's why I've decided to cancel this book. I decided to stop supporting Shane a while ago, but again I didn't make my return to Wattpad during the time of his cancellation.
There are some people who do not deserve to be cancelled- either because they didn't do anything wrong or because they had changed as a person for the betterment of themselves and others. But some people DO deserve the cancellation. Shane is one of those people, who deserves to be removed from all platforms.

It's sad to say, but due to the overwhelming evidence against Shane proving how much of a bad person he's been over the years, and even in the recent day- I simply cannot support him. I don't even support Ryland anymore because he too was exposed for being a shit person. I will not be going over Shane's specific controversies; just know that I concluded to stop supporting him by my own terms and moral code. Shane fucking sucks, unfortunately, and it's really sad because I really liked him and his content. But I cannot bring myself to support a person whose done such awful shit. I hate Shane Dawson and the disgusting things he's said and done.

It's better for y'all to just forget about this book. Cuz to be fair, I didn't really have any direction for this story. I had a few chapters planned but everything else was done on a whim. I just made this out of support for Shane, but I don't support him anymore. There's no need for me to continue making chapters, and nor do I want to.

To those who genuinely liked reading this book, thanks. I appreciate all those who took the time to support and read this story. Sorry if this may be disappointing to some of you but this is my decision. I've stopped supporting him and you should, too. But I'm sure many of you have also stopped following Shane, also. Many fans fell out of his fandom due to his ways.

I don't know what I'll be doing with this book- whether I just leave it up, unpublish it or allow someone else to branch off of it. I haven't decided. For now, I'll just leave this last announcement up.

See y'all later.

- Author~san

(DISCONTINUED) I Love You | Shane Dawson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now