Crime Scene

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The gun in my hand was smoking, the body at my feet was warm.
"You won't get out of this one", said Inspector Plod.
"I'm not guilty", I said.

The gun clattered onto the concrete pavement as I raised my hands above my head. I felt the cold metal handcuffs cling to my skin. I noticed an officer hovering over the corpse, trying to revive him. There is no point though, his bloodshot eyes stared out to nothing as the pool of red around him increased. The man's head was crooked to the side and his left arm was twisted at an odd angle behind him. Dead.

It took me a moment to register my surroundings, It was then that I realised that I was being pulled away from the scene by an officer whose eyes were covered by his raven black hair.
"I know what it looks like but I didn't do this!" I yelled at the officer.
While I was trying to escape the mans grasp, his intimidating eyes met mine as if to say he insists that I stop. I immediately still my movement as he continued to drag me to the police car which awaited me.

This is not happening, it can't be...I thought this had stopped for good.

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