Chapter 33 - After The Bell

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''Oh, what did you guys do for break then?'' Aries responded, asking yet another question while reaching their history classroom.

''We went into an empty classroom, ate toast and played that very popular card game'' Leo answered, though he left out one small detail about said break together. Plus we did some kissing which was just amazing  He thought and Scorpio still having her issue to hear any kind of intimate thought, heard his exact thought. A thought that placed a happy smile on her face, and made her want to keep her gaze on him. He looked right back at her, and shared a happy smile back with her. He would kiss her in that moment if he could but that would break the promise he had made with her. Over break when they shared their second date, he had promised her their relationship would remain a secret until she's ready. Afterall she had just faced one of her fears, and that was to date Leo. She was scared to date him for many reasons. The first reason being that she didn't think he wanted to be anything more then friends especially with his status, for the second reason she was worried about the chances of something bad happening between them if they were to date and lastly the third reason why she was scared to date him is because of what she is, a siren. Though Leo is very unaware that's a reason why she struggled to move on to the next step between them. All he knew that she struggled to date him because of his status, and her fear of not wanting to ruin their friendship or hurt him.  

''Sounds like a great break compared to mine'' Aries said as a response, killing the secret couple's smiles right then and there. Leo and Scorpio were both down to ask about her break but they had already reached their classroom and Aries spoke again as soon as she entered. ''Mr Woodstone?'' Stood behind the desk was Mr Woodstone and not their usual history teacher. ''Since when do you teach history, sir?'' She asked. 

''Since I started to be a supply teacher'' He answered, and sat himself down at the desk.

''Oh'' Aries responded, and continued her walk over to her table on the second row. She placed her bag underneath the table, and looked over at the door in hope to see either Gemini Yin or Yang walk through with Cancer. But her hopes quickly dropped in that moment when someone else walked through the door, and it was someone that she didn't like one bit aka Frey. The dragon that is always having somewhat of a go at Gemini Yin, or so she used to have a go. She hadn't picked on her since Aries, Pisces and Gemini Yang ran into her and her ex-friend Elijah. Ex-friend because they were simply not friends anymore after that event. 

''I think you will make a great history supply'' Scorpio said to Mr Woodstone, and sat herself down in her seat. Aries looked away from the door, and looked over at Mr Woodstone. He smiled at the comment, and looked at the computer to his side. Leo stood right next to Scorpio's table and responded to her comment. ''You're only saying that because he's a vampire''

''I suppose so'' Scorpio said. ''After all he wouldn't know so much knowledge about other creatures and races if he didn't have all the time in the world'' She added, and in her eyes it just proved that Mr Woodstone could potentially be a great history teacher. 

Getting up from her seat, Aries walked toward Mr Woodstone's classroom and she glimpsed up at the clock on the wall. The second bell was about to go in just minute, and Cancer still hadn't come back with either Gemini Yin or Yang. ''Sir'' She said, standing in front of his desk. ''Something happened at break between Pisces and Gemini Yin so there is a chance that Gemini Yin might skip class'' She informed. ''I say might because Cancer has gone looking for, and I doubt that Yang would let that happen''

''What about Pisces?'' He asked. 

''She's okay now'' She answered. ''She'll be arriving here in any minute with Taurus'' She said, looking at the clock on the wall again.

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