Part 2

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By the end of the first month, the gain number read "Pounds gained: 104". This meant that I now weighed 264 pounds. My belly was now well sized and hung down one to two inches over my boxers. The size of my moobs now equated to a handful and I had a double chin starting to form. Even compared to a girl my thighs were huge. I also had a roll that connected my back fat and jiggly moobs now. I continued to consume as much as possible every day. I barely moved and for a few days every week I was tied down to a chair and force fed. This paradise was truly amazing. By the time month two came around, the computer had another announcement to make.

"Grant, I would like to congratulate you for completing Step 1 of your gaining process."
"Step one?" I asked.
"Yes, there are multiple steps in this process." the computer explained.
"What is your goal?" I asked
"Well, to fatten you and the rest of humanity up of course." the computer said.
"Won't that change society?" I asked.
"Of course it will. Many aspects of your race's life will change. Sports, for example, do not exist in the sense of physical activity any more. No physical activity will ever worry you again. Sports consist of eating, and non physical things like shooting and archery, etc." the computer explained.
"So what is step two?" I asked.
"The elimination of the thought of a skinny society" the computer said.
"But I already hate skinny." I retorted.
"Your family doesn't." the computer said
"So, since I wanted to be fat in the first place, what happens to me?" I asked.
"You are more trained for this society because you dreamed of something like this before. So for you, it's more like you're doing step 2.5" the computer said.
"How much will I be asked to gain before I have to stop? Will I ever leave this place?" I asked.
"Grant, you have nothing to worry about. Your gaining is not limited no matter how much you choose to gain. And you will see your community in due time." the computer said.
"You can't tell me how much longer I'll be here?" I asked.
"I am unable to answer that." the computer responded.
"I guess it doesn't matter. My life was so unstable in the other society, and fat will help me." I said with little thought.
"Yes, we've even already have a suitable mate for you, everyone your age has been matched up." the computer said.

The process of gaining continued on for another month or so, relatively undisturbed. A few more announcements every now and then, more and more gainer shake every night, more force feeding and being constantly bloated. With all this constant stuffing, my stomach can now fit more than twice as much food as it could when I first awoke here.
The gain number read "Pounds gained: 209"

That meant I now weighed 369 jiggling pounds. My belly now hung around my mid thighs in a large round shape. It was covered in cellulite around the sides thanks to those super heavy creme gainer shakes. My moobs could now fill my hand, if not more, and my nipples grew rounder and larger. Each of my thighs now had a significant amount of fat that led to my butt, of which was streaked with fat and bulged out. My arms had a good amount of hang coming from the forearm and upper arms. I was happy, super fat, what more could I want? To be fatter of course! I knew I wasn't done. I needed to get bigger. I asked the computer a question, hoping to start a conversation.

"How fat do you intend to get me?" I asked.
"As fat as both you and we deem necessary." the computer said.
"How fat is my mate you talked about earlier?" I asked.
"She is even larger than you are" the computer responded.
"Could you tell me more about her?" I asked.
"Weight: 402 pounds
Largest asset: Belly/Butt
Breast size: N cup" the computer said.

I was utterly amazed that not only that they were able to find a mate for me, but that she was actually fatter than I was! It was very encouraging to hear that somebody enjoyed being that fat. At the same time, it presented a challenge to me to gain even more weight.

"You must continue gaining. So we are now going to move on to Step 3." the computer said.
"What is Step 3?" I asked.
"Continuous force feeding." the computer responded.
"Oh. How much will I have to eat?" I asked
"A lot. You will be fed 24 hours a day, seven days a week." the computer said.
"I supposed I can't avoid it, so let's get started." I said, licking my lips.

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