The hatch opened up again and several bags of pretzels came out along with a few tubs of fattening dips. Additionally the gallons of fattening smoothie had been refilled since I last drank any. I started to munch, but soon got full again. I asked if I could get another of those chocolates. Curiously, the machine did not give me a piece of chocolate this time. Instead, out of the wall to my right came a table with a computer, a keyboard, and a mouse. I pulled myself and my chair over and moved the mouse to enable the computer. After looking through the computer, I found that the entire computer was loaded with every game I could ever want. So I brought the trays of gainer shake and pretzels and dip over. I played for an hour and a half and snacked the entire time, not aware of how full I was getting or caring how much I took in.

Suddenly the computer asked "Are you finished?".

I told the computer I was and the floor next to the table opened. Another tray of gainer shake rose from the ground. I still hadn't even fished more than half a gallon of one of the six gallons on the other tray.

"Drink" insisted the machine.

I complied. I stuck a super long straw I received from the tray into the gallon of gainer shake and began sucking away more and more gainer shake until my belly was round again. I  continued to do this and played games for another couple hours. At a certain point I stopped to see how much I took in. I managed to finish one and a half gallons. Less than 1/8 of the shakes from both trays as a whole. So I decided to keep drinking more.

I continued more and more, drinking and playing games until the time on the clock read 5:32 PM. I had finished around two and half gallons, which is almost 1/6 of the trays, and my belly was big and round. The machine didn't even acknowledge me until I had finished four gallons some three and a half hours later. I asked it when dinner was coming.

"12:00 AM" the computer responded.
I was quite shocked, as the time was just 9:00 pm.
"No dinner until a whole tray is finished." the computer continued.

I had another three hours to go before I could have dinner. Fortunately I was able to buckle down and get it done. I somehow managed to empty every single gallon of chocolate smoothie into my belly.

At 12:00 AM a piece of chocolate appeared from the wall. I picked it up and the packaging had a label that said 'No Stretch Marks'. I popped it down into my mouth and waited for dinner. After about a minute a larger tray appeared with three, 24 inch pepperoni pizzas emerged along with multiple liters of soda.

I immediately chowed down, finishing four slices before I started to feel full again. I didn't feel too bad about it though. After all, the slices were each a foot long. I tried to keep eating but I was just so full. So I did everything I could to constantly eat pieces of pizza and chug soda for the next few hours. The computer would not let sleep until I finished all the pizza.

By 3:30 AM I had finished the pizza and looked to the computer for guidance. The word "Dessert" flashed on the screen. A whole white buttermilk cake appeared. I was so mesmerized by it, that I hadn't paid any attention to my balloon belly. I slowed down and took my time devouring the cake, one slice at a time. I savored every bit of frosting and butter in the cake. I was in heaven! By the time I finished, I was so tired that I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up at around 11:00 AM the next day. Under the clock portion of the screen was a number, it read "Pounds gained: 2". I couldn't really tell that I had gained weight, other than the fact that my stomach had been stretched immensely when I stuffed myself. As soon as I got up, I started a brand new day of gaining.

This eating, gaining, and sleeping style continued day by day. By the end of week one, the gain number read "Pounds gained: 17". I had a proper belly starting to develop and when I stood up it bulged out. When I sat down it rested on the tops of my thighs.

On day eight I was awakened to hundreds of pancakes and jars of fatty syrup stacked on a tray double the size of last week. I also started drinking strawberry gainer shakes today. "Today your shakes have twice the fat content and more than quadruple the calories." the computer said. As I started drinking the gainer shakes today I noticed that they were runnier than usual, so I slurped them down quickly between stuffing pancakes.

I continued to graze all day, constantly eating, there was never a minute when I stopped putting food in my mouth. The computer told me it an announcement to make before I went to bed. I listened up as I finished my stack of triple patty cheeseburgers. I was told to keep a gallon of gainer shake by my bedside and start sucking before I fell asleep from now on. The shake was infused with super gaining ingredients and sleeping pills. I would drink the gainer shake as I slept and gain weight even in the night.

After week two, the gain number read "Pounds gained: 43". My belly began to hang over a little and my moobs started to fill out and hang as well. I had officially hit 203 pounds.

On the morning of the first day in week three, I was treated to something special. I was tied down in front of my computer, and fed by two mysterious figures for 12 hours. I never got a good look at them, but that was likely because I was too busy concentrating on eating the food they fed me as quickly as possible. My belly was bloated the entire time, even after they fed me the stomach stretching chocolate. It was round and hard all day.

The next day the gain number read "Pounds gained: 49", meaning that I had gained six pounds in one day. I continued to gain and graze all day. I had three huge meals and up to six snacking sessions from morning to late night.

Weight Gain Story: New HomeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant