Episode 6 - Keeping Secrets

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Jake was back. We discussed my updates on the leads in detail. When I thought he would say he had to go again, instead he asked if we could talk a bit longer. "How do you have time for small talk?" I asked.

"I don't. Well...to be honest, it's pretty hard to concentrate on my task when my thoughts always drift off to you." 

Who was this guy, and what had he done with the standoffish Jake who was willing to rabbit at any sign of emotion? "Somehow, I'm not even sorry about that," I told him.

And then he explained that he had a pretty good idea of what information the government had about his location. I asked several questions about his situation and safety. He asked if I was worried, and I told him that of course, I was. He promised me that he wouldn't be caught. "But how can you be sure?" I questioned.

"Because it would separate me from you."

I started coughing on air. I didn't know how to respond to that, so I said that I had to go. He seemed surprised but agreed. I told him that I liked talking to him, just to make sure that he didn't think he scared me off. Which he sort of did, but I didn't want him to feel bad. Even though it was kind of his fault. This guy had completely changed his tune and I didn't know how to react to it or even it if would last. I was getting whiplash.

Then his text got cut off in the middle of a word. That was weird. I didn't even know that text messages could do that. I tried refreshing it to see if it would get fixed, but it didn't. Then he disconnected the chat. "Um, not good," I said to myself when he didn't respond. I sent another text; no answer. I blew out my breath. Well, this was going to haunt me indefinitely. 

How was I going to get anything done while I was worrying about whether Jake was OK? Yet, I had no choice. I was meeting Richy at the studio so we could practice for a bit and figure out what song we wanted to sing together.

We came in with an idea, and when we tried it, it was just too good to pass up. Our voices just flowed together naturally, as if we'd been singing together forever. By the end of the day, we'd recorded a live cover of Falling by Harry Styles with me backing it up on the piano. Richy was a solid baritone, but his range went high enough that he had no trouble with the song. It was one of the most emotional performances I'd done, other than when I sang my own music.

I did my best to showcase him because he had such a beautiful voice and clearly loved music so much. When we were finished recording, I looked over at Richy. He had an amazed smile on his face. I smiled back at him, but he got up and came over to me in concern when he saw I had tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting next to me cautiously.

"Oh, that song just made me extra emotional," I said, sniffling.

"Is that really it?" Richy persisted.

I couldn't look at him right now. I felt his hand reach out to squeeze mine. "Whatever you need to say to me, it's OK."

"I don't even know what I want to say," I told him honestly. "I really care about you a lot. That's all I know."

"Li, I care about you too. But I wouldn't blame you for giving up on me. I sure haven't made things easy on you. If that's what you want, then I'll respect that. But, if you're willing to give this more time, I'm not asking you for anything right now, either. I don't feel like I have any right to ask. We can keep being friends who kiss sometimes and sing music together for as long as you want."

"Friends, who kiss sometimes?" I repeated, giggling.

"I mean, if that's OK with you," Richy said, looking embarrassed. 

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