#Part 32:"Comfort"

Start from the beginning

Lily: I heard Before ... like When Y/n and mom Didn't came in Your life Y'all we're Really happy ...!

Jennie: And since when you started to care about That..??

Lily: Of course I do care about y'all and Yours happiness... Because I Think of y'all as mah family...!

D.O: *rolled eyes*....So For the sake of our happiness Just leave us alone...!

Lily: Y'all are not gettin' What I'm tryna saying..!!.... Don't y'all think Your life Was Much better When There wasn't Y/n or Son Ye Jin...!

Everyone suddenly Looked at Me, I can see That they we're thinking deep about it..... I mentally Smirked....

Lily: *fake sad eyes*... Somehow I feel like Y'all were Much better without em' .....! Even I want em' to leave..!!

Jungkook: What Do You Mean...??

Lily: It's Easy.... I want Y'all happy... And that's Why I want Son Ye Jin and Y/n out of Your Life..! Y'all don't deserve this ...!!

Sehun: Thanks But No thanks now LEAVE...!!

I Disappointed a bit, I turned around to leave But....

Wendy: Don't y'all Think she's Right...!!

I immediately turned around and Saw everyone shocked looki'n at Wendy....

Wendy: We're happy Until They Entered our Life..!

Lisa: Wendy......The Hell is Wrong With...??

Kai: Nothings wrong with Wendy....I Think she's Right...!

Jimin: Yes ....We don't deserve this..!

I Smirked as Finally some of Em' we're gettin' manipulate By mah words....

Irene: Are y'all fcking out of Your Mind..? This Wench is Talki'n about our Y/n...!! Don't y'all understand...!!

Rose: And Why Don't You understand That She don't care about our Feeli'ns...!!

Baekhyun: YeAH Noona.....She Don't deserve Our love...! And specially After What BTS Hyungs did...She definitely hate us...!

Seulgi: And if she hate us than She's our enemy.... and We all know What we do to our enemy...!!

Jin: Seriously.....Y/n is our enemy...? And since When Y'all are thinking like That..??

Chanyeol: Hyung let's not forget....She was about to set fire on us..... It's obvious..she don't care about us...!

D.O: I'm out of This stupidity because that Y/n is not our enemy or Anythin'...!

Namjoon: Right....... Even if she doesn't care about us...I....Do care for Her..!!

Jisso : I swear I can't bare this Disgustness..!!

Jisoo, Joy, Irene, Jennie, D.O and BTS except Jimin Left Out leaving em' behind With Me...

I Smirked widely And joy already Noticed it...

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