Ch. 5

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Author's Note- Hiiiii guis c: I decided to be amazayn and type up this chapter for you. I already have this plus about a fourth of Ch 8 written down in my note book. I find it humerous because online the prologue and chapters 1-4 only have 10 pages, when in my notebook, the prologue and chapters 1-4 is 49 pages and 3 lines on page 50... It's kinda depressing. :P I'm on page 104 in the notebook... :3

ANYWAYYSSSS, on with the chapter! :D


~ Harry's POV ~

I'm so stupid. I can't believe I did that. Niall hates me, Natalie hates me, and she's probably never going to forgive me now... Ever. I know it.

I've stayed up all night tossing and turning, thinking about what happened last night. I looked at the time on my phone; 3:29. Great. 3:30 in the morning and I'm still not asleep. I decided to go talk to Louis.

I walked up to his room and knocked, maybe it'll wake him up more. Nothing. He's still asleep. I walked in and started poking his shoulder, trying to wake him up. No success.

So I started poking his cheek.

"Lou...Lou...Louis...Louis...LOUIS!" I whispered, whisper/yelling the last part, while poking his cheek. His eyes fluttered open lazily, revealing his sleepy sea blue/green eyes.

"W-what do you want Harry? It's," He looked at his phone, "3:30 in the morning, I'm trying to sleep..." He muttered, pushing me away by my face.

"Louis, I can't sleep and I need your help. I can't stop thinking about Natalie and what I did last night... Help me." I whined, poking his cheek again.

"Why do you need my help? Talk to Liam or Zayn... They're the ones to talk to about th-" He yawned, "This stuff... You should know that by now..." He mumbled.

"Whatever. Thanks, I guess..." I said, standing up and walking out.


I walked into Liam's room, he'd be easier to wake up than Zayn. I knocked on his door, thinking it would help with waking him up. Nope, no success. Again.

So I let myself in and walked to his bed and tapped on his cheek.

"Leeyum!" I whispered right by his ear, while still poking his cheeks. He turned a little to look up at me and opened his eyes.

"What do you want, Harry? It's 3:45 in the morning and I'm trying to sleep..." He mumbled, trying to turn back over.

"Liam, you sound like Louis. He said the exact same thing." I said, poking him still. "No no no no. NO. Louis already did that to me, you're not going to do it as well. Help meeee!" I said, dragging out the 'E' in 'Me' and tugging on his arm. He groan and sat up.

"What do you want, Harry?" He asked, more awake.

"Welllll, last night, IkissedNatalieatOrangeLeafandshesaidshemight'veforgivenmebutthenIkissedherandnowIthinkshehatesmeevenmore... What do I do, Leeyum?" I replied quickly. He sighed and ran his hand over his face and through his almost non-exsistant hair.

"Well, why'd you kiss her?" He questioned.

"Well, she said she was thinking about maybe, possibly forgiving me and I guess I just got too excited and I also still really like her and I guess I just kissed her I guess... Liam, I love her..." I rambled. He yawned and nodded, looking at me for the first time, this time with his eyes open.

"Well, next time don't get so excited..." He said, laying back down.

"Oh, no you don't, Liam. That wasn't very helpful..." I said, pushing him back up, as he had laid on my arm. He sat back up and looked at me again.

"Well, then what you need to do, is apologize to Niall and Natalie, maybe that'll help. No go back to bed, it's 4 in the morning..." He said, yawning. I nodded, thanked him, and walked back to my room.

When I got back to my room and laid in bed, I fell right asleep.


~ Next Morning ~

~ Harry's POV ~

I woke up this morning at 1:36. Well, I guess that'd be more of this afternoon... Oh well. I walked into the kitchen and saw Natalie making something.

"Hey Nat! Whatcha mak--"

"Don't call me that. And I'm making Spaghetti and Meatballs. What do you want, Harry?" She answered coldly.

"Well, 2 things. 1.) I was just asking what you were making because I was hungry... And 2.) I would like to talk to you.." I replied.

"Ok, I'm listening." She said, turning to face me.

"Well, I, uh, I just, I wanted to say, I'm, uh, s-sorry... I don't know why I kissed y-you last night... I guess I got a little overly excited... Will you p-please forgive me..? I understand if you never want to forgive me about the whole bullying-shabang, but at least the kiss-biz? Haha that rhymed! I'm a pot and I didn't even know it! I can make a rhyme anytime! God I'm on a roll!" I said, laughing at the end.

"Haha, wow. And I don't know, Harry. You really pissed off Niall. He won't talk to anyone. Hell, he'll barely even talk to me! I'll think about it, Harry, but good luck getting Niall to forgive you. Now get out. I'm making food and if you stay in here you won't get any!" She said, and I nodded and went off to find Niall.


"Hey, Niall? Can I talk to you?" I asked, once I found him in his room.

"No, Harry. Leave me alone. If you don't get the fuck out of my room, I'm not afraid to puch you. Get the fuck away from me." He growled.

Ok then, don't talk to him for a while... I thought.

I backed out of his room and walked to the den.

"Hey guys. Do you have any ideas on how I could get Niall to forgive me?" I asked. Zayn amd Louis turned away and went on their phones, ignoring me. Liam was the only one who looked at me, calling me over to the dining room to talk to me.

"Help..?" I asked, looking down at the ground. Liam laughed and patted my shoulder comfortingly.

"Well, what did you day to Niall today?" He asked me.

"Well, I knocked on his door and said 'Hey Niall? Can I talk to you?' And he said 'No, Harry. Leave me alone. If you don't getthe fuck out of my room, I'm not afraid to puch you. Get the fuck away from me.' So I did, then I came downstairs, and here we are. What do I do?" I explained.

"Well, you could go grab a bunch of Peri Peri Chicken from Nando's and take it to him? Or, you could, erm, uh, I don't know..." He trailed off at the end.

"Ok, thanks. I just got the perfect idea. I'll see you later, I have to go make a phone call. And pick something up. Bye, Liam!" I said and walked off.


When I got to my room, I pulled out my phone and dialled the all to familiar number.

"Hello this is Nando's, my name is Jennifer. How may I help you?"

"Hello, can I get 8 orders of your extra spicy Peri Peri Chicken?"


HELLO GUYS!!! :D I'm about to upload this and I'm at school... xD


I have to go, the bell is about to ring... .-.

WELLLLL, I have no time to do a contest, sooo, BYEEEE(:



HAPPY PI DAY!!!!!! :D ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2013 ⏰

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