Ch. 4

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Author's note- Hey, before I start, the picture on the side of the girl, that's what I picture Natalie to look like. And that picture in the external link, OH MY HOLY SHIT I CAN'T EVEN NIALL HE HAS LIKE OH GOD SOMEONE HELP I'M DEAD HE HAS A DIMPLE. I LITERALLY JUST DIED.<3333 And Kiss you, the BESTESTESTESTESTEST SONG ON TMH<3

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~ Harry's POV ~

Oh my God. Niall is on a date with Natalie. God I want to murder him so bad right now... Oh, how I wish that was me...

~ Niall's POV ~ (Back at the park)

She said yes. She said yes! I can't believe it! I can't believe she actually said yes! I gave her a hug and kissed her again. She smiled into the kiss, making me smile as well. I slid my tongue on her lower lip, questioning entrance, to which she denied. Oi, want to play hard-to-get, don't ya? Kay, that's fine with me! I bit her bottom lip hungrily, making her gasp. I took to it to slip my tongue on her mouth, to which she moaned in pleasure.  

Our tongues fought for dominance, me winning, of course. We pulled apart, smiling.

"Wow, I-I have nothing to say, besides, w-wow." She said, grinning.

"I agree." I winked, grabbing her hand and walking off. "So do you want to go home, come to my place, or do you want me to come to yours?" I asked.

"Can I come to yours? I'd LOVE to get to know everyone else better. And I'm debating whether or not I should forgive Harry... I might. But everyone else seem like really nice people. Especially the brown haired one that wore the red jeans and blue and white stripped shirt... Lewis? Whatever. They seem like great guys." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Sure! And it's pronounced Luwey, like, if you put the acronym of your song 'Live While We're Young' it's L-W-W-Y, which if you say that as a word, it's Luwey. Yeah, but we sometimes pronounce it Lewis, just to annoy him. Yeah... Ok, let's go." We got in the car, me opening her door for her, of course. I went around to the driver's side and got in, turning on the car. I put my hand on the thing inbetween the seats, and she put her hand on top of mine. "By the way, do you like the game truth or dare? Or what about never have I ever? Or, or, we could play --" She covered my mouth, muffling my ramble.

"If I kiss you, will you shut up?" She joked. I nodded my head vigorously, as her hand was still on my mouth. She let go and leaned over an kissed me. I grinned when we pulled apart, turning on the car and pulling out. She laughed.

"Everytime I kiss you, you start grinning like a 6 year old on Christmas morning. It's weird, but adorable. It makes you look like a cute little puppy! You're adorable. Even though I never liked One Direction, I've always somehow had a soft spot for you. I never knew your name though... But still. I've always liked you, no matter how much I hate your band. Well. hatED. Not so much anymore. It's ok. Never really heard the music, but the members are great. Well, not so much Harry, but he's ok." She said, pinching my cheek. I grinned again, blushing. "And you're adorable when you blush." She said, winking. I just laughed and kept my eyes on the road. She turned on the radio, just in time for 'Kiss You' to come blasting through the speakers, just after the first chorus, starting Zayn's solo.

'Oh baby, baby don't you know you got what I need,

Lookin' so good from your head to your feet  

C'mon come over here over here, 

C'mon come over here yeah.'

When it got to my solo, I started singing as loud as I could. Not bad for yelling, if I do say so myself!

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