Chapter 11:

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The next day, the T-Birds and Abby were safely back at home. So once Abby got up and got ready to meet with Shane, Sonny's older brother, who was a lawyer, Dylan and Diane offered to go with her. The T-Birds were at Frosty with Sandy, Frenchy and Sonny's new girlfriend, Loriel Holland. "How's Abby doing?" Loriel asked them.

Loriel was a very close female friend of the T-Birds since the 5th grade, Sonny and Loriel always liked each other.

"She's a little shaken up, but she's doing ok." Danny tells her.

"But she's with Uncle Dylan and Aunt Diane to talk to my brother Shane, who is a lawyer." Sonny adds.

"I am so glad she's ok now." Sandy spoke as Danny kissed her cheek.

"Me too!" Putzie smiled. "She's our princess."

They awed at him.

"You mean she's your girlfriend." Sonny smirked.

They chuckled while Putzie just rolled his eyes at him.

"We're just friends, LaTierri!" Putzie protested.

They chuckled at him.

"Now Roger, what did I tell you about lying?" Danny said firmly.

Again, Putzie rolled his eyes, making them laugh.

"Oh Babyface," Kenickie grinned. "You are adorable."

Putzie chuckled while he shook his head.

"I think you and Abby would make a very cute couple." They looked over to see Jan at the next booth. "She's a sweetheart."

Putzie gave her a small smile.

"Thanks Jan." He spoke.

Jan gave him a smile before turning back to the other Pink Ladies.

"Danny, let's have Jan sit with us." Sandy said, looking up at Danny.

Danny looked down at her.

"Putzie is like another brother to you." He told her.

Sandy gave him a look.

"He forgave her." She tells him.

Danny let out a sigh and looked at Putzie.

"She and I are great friends now, to be honest...she and Frenchy are the better Pink Ladies." Putzie told him. "Sometimes a couple are just better off as friends...that is like with me and Jan."

They looked at Danny, who was debating if he should trust Jan.

"And I know you love me like a brother, wanting to protect me and I love you for that." Putzie adds. "Besides, she has a huge crush on my History classmate, Elroy Poken."

"Poken?" Sonny asked.

Putzie shot him a glare.

"What?" Sonny asked.

They chuckled at him while Danny let out a deep sigh.

"Jan." He called out.

Jan turned around and stood up.

"Yes Danny?" She asked.

"Wanna...sit with us?" He asked her.

Jan smiled a little.

"Really?" She asked.

Danny nodded his head.

"Yeah, you're our friend." Putzie assured her.

"Thank you." Jan smiled as she sat down next to Putzie. "And Putzie, I am really, really sorry for hurting you."

"Hey, I forgive you." He told her.

Jan gave him a small smile, so they started to talk with Jan. Of course Danny, understandably, is weary of her, but knew deep down that Jan was peer pressured and thinking that just because she was in a bad girl group, she doesn't have to act like a bitch like Rizzo and Marty.

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