16 The First Lie

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Grant was relieved when Lizzie and Tripp filled him in on their alliance. He had felt so foolish falling asleep during the investigation. They made a pact to learn everything they could by splitting up. Lizzie decided to approach Vivian who'd been in the morgue. Tripp found himself in a long chat with Natalie. Grant was able to speak to Regina and Bailey.

"I found something." Bailey pulled them into an adjacent room. "Here." He pulled out the note and put it on the table, it read: Open the door when the clock strikes four kill the beast and live forevermore ~Giles. Regina gasped. "Ruben thought Giles sent him this message so he opened the door and something...something monstrous came in." Bailey explained. Grant nodded. "We can't let anyone else know about this." He said. However, Grant was absolutely going to tell his alliance about this clue.

Montana had been watching Bailey for some time. She had seen him pick up something in Ruben's room and she knew he had to be hiding, something. She needed someone to trust so she could not hold this secret alone. Montana was not normally the conniving type but this game called for desperate measures.

She found Andrew by the stairs, studying them. "Hey, I thought you could use a friend." He looked up and nodded. "Oh sorry, I was looking for some sort of clue, I haven't heard anything from the people at the crime scene." He shrugged. Montana agreed and was about to tell him about the note when she paused. What if, Andrew was the killer? She doubted it but she couldn't be sure. He looked over at her, no doubt expecting more but the mother of three turned away and left.

Caleb and Natalie asked Lizzie what she had found. As Lizzie told them she had found nothing, Natalie found that very hard to believe. The two girls may as well have slapped each other in the face altogether because there was instant dislike between them. Caleb pulled her aside when Lizzie walked away. "I don't trust her at all." He said. Natalie nodded. "I don't either, I only trust you right now." When she said this, she and Caleb met each other's eyes. "Yeah?" He smirked. She again nodded. "She's probably the killer to be honest." Caleb whispered, laughing.

Giles suddenly ran into the room. "Guests, your riddle awaits outside. Forgive me, I have been tracking down-." He trailed off. "Lana, I need you outside at once." She was lingering behind the guests, quietly listening. Feeling caught, she obeyed, following Giles out onto the patio.
The guests all looked at each other as they walked outside. This riddle was going to be life or death.

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