Chapter 23

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~Christmas morning~

Riley: (runs into Ross's room and jumps on the bed) come on daddy wake up!

Ross: (wakes up) what is it baby girl?

Riley: it's Christmas!

Ross: oh yeah!

Riley: guess what's today!

Ross: um...president James?

Riley: no silly it's my birthday!

Ross: (grabs her) come here birthday girl!

Riley: (giggles)

Junior: (walks in) happy birthday Riley...

Riley: thank you Junior...

Junior: no probs

(Knock knock)

Junior: I can't get the door I'm too busy...

Ross: Riley baby can you please get the door for me...

Riley: (rolls eyes) sure dad (opens the door)

Rydel: you guys are invited to my house tonight we have a special guest coming over to sing for us and especially you birthday girl...

Riley: (smiles) yay!

Rydel: bye sweetie...

Riley: bye auntie Delly

Rydel: (leaves)

Riley: (closes the door and runs to Ross) hi daddy...

Ross: hi sweetie who was at the door?

Riley: auntie Delly

Ross: what did she want?

Riley: she inviting us over for a special surprise...

Ross: that's cool...

Riley: I know right! Can we please go I really wanna know who the special guest is...(pouty face)

Ross: (chuckles) sure we can
Riley: yay!

~at Rydellington's house~

Riker: ladies and gentle men we will be giving out our special guest...

Everyone: (cheers)

Riley: (fangirls)

Junior: (bored)

Ross: (covers ears)

Riker: please welcome in...L-Dawg!

Laura: (comes out) hi everyone...I'm Laura Marano here but everyone calls me by my concert name L-Dawg or just Laur I'm here to dedicate my song to my family but most of all my baby girl Riley...

Rydel: (plays piano)

Laura: (sings) I'm the girl in the corner of the room the one you never noticed getting lost among the stars in the sky like a picture out of focus I'm the sun in your eyes yet you don't see I wear no disguise but you don't see me I'm a total surprise and you don't see me I'm so agonized yeah you don't see don't see meeee....(finishes)

I Fell In Love With My Bestfriend (Raura & Rydellington) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now