Chapter 20

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~previously on I Fell In Love With My Bestfriend~

Vanessa: (gasps)

Laura: (shouts) oh my gosh!

~now on I Fell In Love With My Bestfriend~

Vanessa: Roxy!

Laura: Riley!

Linessa: (looks at each other)


Riker: I can't believe me and Roxy were arguing...we never argued before....

Ross: and Junior always it's normal to me...I'm just shocked!


Riker/Ross: (looks at each other and runs upstairs)


Maia: (smiling evily) our work here is done...let's go

Ramy: wait?

Maia: (sighs) what is it now Ramy?

Ramy: why did we stab the kids again???

Maia: part of our plan to get to Laura...

Ramy: then why we stab her sister???

Maia: well...she should've never came up

Ramy: but we stabbed her daughter too....

Maia: (puts finger on his lips) shh! you ask too many questions stop already....

Ramy: (sighs) fine...

Riker/Ross: hold it right there!

Ramy: (points to Maia) she forced me to help her or else she would kill my family....

Maia: shut up!

Ross: (speechless) Maia....

Maia: (awkwardly waves) oh um...hi Ross...

Ross: why are you doing this??? I thought we were bestfriends???

Maia: (sighs) I'm doing this because...I'm obsessed with you and....I wanted us to be more then friends and Laura....

Ross: (shocked) yeah didn't have to kill them...

Riker: hold up right all this is just about Ross...then why did you kill Vanessa???

Maia: we used to be arch enemies in 1st grade with ms.Suzie remember....Riker you were in our class starring at Vanessa....


Riker: (starring at Vanessa)

Vanessa: (drawing) ms.Suzie I'm done drawing...

Suzie: (looks at Vanessa's drawing) awesome job Vanessa you really can draw

Vanessa: I can sing to

Suzie: us your talent....

Vanessa: (sings play my song) done!

Suzie: (shocked) wow Vanessa you really do got talent!

Vanessa: thanks I got it from my baby sister!

Suzie: baby sister???

Vanessa: yeah my baby sister Laura she is only this many (holds up 1 finger)

I Fell In Love With My Bestfriend (Raura & Rydellington) #Wattys2015Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum