Chapter 5

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Ross' s pov
It's been 2 years and i haven't seen Laura and her family but any who us Lynch's are gonna suprise Vanessa they are throwing her a Halloween party because her birthday is on Halloween lots of candy stuff the only ones that aren't going to the party is me,my mom,Ratliff and Ryland we are going to colorado to visit our cousins and trick or treat with them because we aren't going to spend this Christmas with them im also going to a party over here on November 29th yip that's whe they are throwing Laura's party i'll suprise her there anyways im 21 years old like Laura while Vanessa is gonna be 26 oh i gotta go see ya
End of pov

Ross: (waiting for his Aunt's car to arrive)

Macie: (pulls up) hey Stormie

Stormie: (gasps) oh my goodness hey Macie

Macie: how are the kids i miss them how tall have they grown i haven't seen them since Riker was 10 Rydel and Ellington was 8 Rocky was 7 Ross was 6 and Ryland was 4

Stormie: come on kids Macie wanna see you guys

Macie: bring them in order from first born to last born

Stormie: okay...Riker honey please come out

Riker: (comes out) yeah mom???

Stormie: you don't remember your Aunt Macie

Riker: (looks at Macie)

Macie: omg Riker look how tall you have gotten you are so cute and handsome

Riker: (blushes) aww thank you Aunt Macie your really pretty today aunt

Stormie: (smacks his head)

Riker: oww gee thanks mom

Stormie: no problem

Riker: (leaves)

Macie: he is still the same Riker (chuckles)

Stormie: (laughs) i know...Rydel your up

Rydel: (walks in) hey mom

Stormie: say hi to aunt Macie

Macie: (gasps) omg hi Delly

Rydel: hi aunt Macie

Macie: wow you're really pretty Delly

Rydel: (leaves)

Macie: wow she's pretty

Stormie: you missed out on alot

Macie: omg tell me

Stormie: Ryland has a crush on a girl named Maia...Rocky has a crush on a girl named Kelly...Rydel has a crush on Ell...Riker has a crush on a girl named Vanessa

Macie: omg and wait hold up Rydel and Ell crushing

Stormie: (nods)

Macie: wait what about Ross

Stormie: you remember the little girl he is best friends with that went with us to colorado when they were 6

Macie: yeah she was so adorable what about her

Stormie: Ross fell in love with his best friend

Macie: (shocked) omg shutup

Stormie: im serious

Macie: omg i need pictures of them together and the girl by herself

Stormie: you remember this picture with them at the park holding hands when they were 4 years old

Macie: omg yes i do

Stormie: well here's this one of both on how big they are at the park they went to when they were little well lucky here this one is Ross and Laura holding hands when it was 2 years ago

Macie: (gasps) omg she is so pretty like woah i would go lesbian for her like woah

Stormie: this one was the dsy we were going on tour that's why their eyes are watery (picture shows Ross with his arm around Laura's waist and Laura kissing his cheek)

Macie: aww so cute

Stormie: i know right

Macie: how do she look like now

Stormie: (gasps)

Macie: what

Stormie: she's gotten more prettier im on her facebook page aww she's an Angel for Halloween at her sister's party for tomorrow

Macie: omg Ross is gonna drool over her when they meet each other again

Stormie: i know all the kids ship them two together

Macie: well now i ship them

Stormie: Rocky hurry up and see aunt Macie before we leave remember

Rocky: (comes up) hey aunt Macie

Macie: omg your so big and i saw a picture of Ross and im over here like wow he's hot

Rocky: (laughes) everyone says that alot (leaves)

Stormie: when we all come back would you like to see Vanessa and Laura again

Macie: omg yes especially Laura she helps out alot does she still helps out

Stormie: well 2 years ago she did still help but that was only 2 years ago and i don't know if she still does

Macie: she was so adorable

Stormie: i know...Ross

Ross: (front flips there) yea

Stormie: here is your aunt

Ross: (smiles) hi aunt Mace

Macie: hey my little prince you've gotten more handsome then ever

Ross: thanks i get that alot

Macie: where's princess

Ross: still not going to see her until her birthday

Macie: well what you doing for her birthday

Ross: suprise her by throwing a huge birthday party and sing to her a song and what's more suprising is that she's not gonna see me till im up on stage you gonna be there

Macie: aww that's so sweet and yes i am im bringing Gator with me

Ross: that's fine

Stormie: hurry up Ryland and Ratliff we gotta go

Ross: (gets in the car)

Ryland: (gets in)

Ratliff: (gets in)

Stormie: (gets in)

Macie: (drives off)

I Fell In Love With My Bestfriend (Raura & Rydellington) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now