Start from the beginning

"The banks are closed today due to early celebration. I will wire you the payment tomorrow. Let me see the jewel first." Lan Fei insisted, his tone growing frantic with every passing second.

"Are you worried about getting caught, Lan Fei?" The phantom teased, laughing at the other's waning patience.

"I have a reputation, you know. Looking after someone like you is troubling enough... I made a promise and I intend to keep it." Lan Fei snapped at him. He waved his open palm at the phantom, awaiting the deposit. "You have it, don't you?"

"You and the rest of the upper society are all so fickle. What's the fun in not indulging chaos every once in a while? Must you be so uptight about everything?" The phantom mused at Lan Fei, laughing in his face. "You lot are all the same. That's why I hate people like you."

Lan Fei was slightly taken aback by his sudden attitude shift, directed towards him of all people. Who did he think he was if it wasn't for these dealings?

"I can expose who you really are to Millelith right now. Hand over the ring." Lan Fei threatened, growing wildly impatient the longer this prolonged game went on. Of course, he would do no such thing - it was an empty threat.

"Why, I would encourage you to do so. After all, once I obtain my rightful title— all there is left is for the dowry to be found and I can legally be proclaimed heir." It was the truth; and there came confidence in his tone as the words filled the silence. Granted such things wouldn't be so easily accomplished but with time, who else could refute the claim of the blood heir backed by three officials of the illustrious trading company?

Even so, his display of unorthodox hubris certainly made him arrogant - overstepping his own authority without fear. That would prove to be a fatal mistake, should he not be careful with his actions.

"You are underestimating the Director then... Her authority stretches beyond your scope of understanding. She has both the Fatui's blessing and the Black Dragon working for her. Not to mention, her fiancé is a dangerous man. It should be said that she is in a far better position than you." Lan Fei warned, his tone treading on a dangerous scale.

"Lan Fei, Lan Fei..." The phantom spoke hauntingly. "You're here to collect the ring. Not to berate me like some child. I have lived with the threat and loom of death all my life– do you think this would hinder me and my goal?"

"You wouldn't dare do anything too dangerous..." He didn't believe his words.

"Oh?" A crimson glint flickered in the phantom's dark eyes, caught by equatorial flames. The phantom reluctantly places the box into the older man's hand, withdrawing quickly. "Are you certain, Lan Fei?"

Lan Fei scoffed as he returned the payment, placing a small leather pouch in the opened palm of the phantom. "I am not fearing for you if that is what you're concerned with."

"No..." The phantom shook his head, his voice barely above the whispers of the wind. "I meant for your own life."

Lan Fei raised an eyebrow. "You're concerned for me?"

There was an uncharacteristic silence that followed. The phantom who was typically snippet and responsive fell silent; the lowly glow of crimson barely concealed by his cloak revealed his pained expression.

Lan Fei's eyes widened at the sight. "What... Are you hurt anywhere...?" He took a few steps forward, closing the space between the two of them - only for the phantom to stagger back.

The phantom let out a muffled sound that resembled a pained grunt. "No... I'm... I'm fine—"

The phantom was cut off by a sudden sharp pain, throbbing at the back of his head as he brought a hand to clutch onto the side of it. He groaned, shaking and writhing as a loud ringing overtook his senses. Burning, acidic; he familiarized himself with such pains in the past and yet it never seemed to dull in the slightest.

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