Chapter One: Grocery Shopping Shenanegans

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Sam stirred and groaned, then sat up and rubbed her eyes free of sleep. Blinking, she looked around until it clicked that she wasn't in her bedroom, or even her apartment.

"Again? I really should go see someone about this." she sighed to herself as she stood and brushed herself free of dirt. Then she opened her apartment building's back door, thankful no one had bothered to change the broken lock yet, and entered hoping that none of the other attendants were awake yet.

Sadly, the elevator was still broken and she had to take the stairs. She'd made to the floor below her's without any confrontation when a voice spoke up behind her.

"Good morning, Sam. Out late again last night?" The girl sighed and pasted a friendly smile on before turning back around.

"Hey, Mr. Timoki. Yeah, I had to work late again." she lied. He rolled his eyes.

"Honestly." he scoffed. "That old man works you too hard. You need a break. Take a vacation."

"I will as soon as I can afford it." Sam assured him. He scrutinized her for a second before nodding and going back into his apartment. Sam waited until she was sure he wasn't going to come back out before she hurried up to her own apartment .

She unlocked her door using the key she kept around her neck. Preparing for the ambush, the girl turned the knob and opened the door. Two balls of fur attacked her, barking and wagging their cropped tails in glee.

One was the color of orange and vanilla sherbet with thick fur and light blue eyes. He was the taller and the younger of the two dogs, and was also the most excited.

The shorter dog was of black, blue and tan coloring with a pair of chocolate brown eyes. He was older than the other by a couple of years and was the more mature of the two.

"Alright, alright! Off!" Sam exclaimed, smiling. The two dogs did as they were told. "Good boys, now sit." They sat, smiling up at her with their tongues hanging out. Sam grabbed two dog cookies out of the container on top of the fridge and gave them one each.

"You need to be more careful." the Black and tan one scolded after he finished his treat. "There's more than just you out there now."

"You worry too much, Shorts." Sam told him. "I can take care of myself. after all, all I do is sleepwalk just down to the back entrance." Shorty huffed in annoyance.

"He's right, Sam." the orange and white one agreed, "It's dangerous out there."

"Whatever you say, Deke." Sam retorted, rolling her eyes and making her way towards her bedroom.

"I'm gonna go shower, then I'm going grocery shopping." the girl announced before closing the door behind her.

A few minutes, a warm shower, and a change of clothes later Sam was back in front of the door getting ready to leave again. Deke and Shorty watched as she pulled open the fridge and grabbed a cold burger out of a take out box. She took a bite out of it.

"Are you going to take the bike?" Deke asked. Sam shook her head and swallowed, then took a swig from her water bottle.

"Nah, I'll walk this time." she answered,tying her blue Newport, Oregon hoodie around her waist and grabbing the small backpack she used as a purse. She turned back to the dogs.

"Now remember, if I end up being gone for more than a day, your food is in the pantry. And use the fire escape if you have to go. No leaving the parking lot. I don't want some asshole running off with you or you getting ran over." she told them.

"Seriously. And you tell us not to worry." Shorty replied. Sam gave him a half smile.

"See ya you two. And no overeating while I'm gone! you're fat enough as it is." And with that, she left.
Bebop waited impatiently by the front door of the apartment building. He absolutely hated stake-outs.

"See 'er yet?" Rocksteady's voice buzzed through his walker talkie. The warthog lifted the mechanical box to his mouth and pressed the 'talk' button.

"Not yet. I say five more minutes and we leave. I'm gettin' hungry."

At that moment the girl walked out the door right past him. Bebop grinned and pressed the button again.

"Get over here. She just walked out." he said into the talkie. He kept his eye on her while he waited for his buddy. She was pretty good looking, with strawberry blond hair down to her back and a nice curvy figure. He especially liked the way she looked in the pair of dark blue jeans she was wearing.

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