Chapter 54

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Leah went to an audition. Cameron gets up and eats his donut.
" Oh my goodness!" I squeal.
" What?" Cameron jumps.
" What did their mom say?" I say.
" Oh yeah." Maddy says.
" Well she said yeah!" Cameron says.
I squeal with excitement.
" But she said we have to ask our parents." Cameron says.
" That shouldn't be too hard, right?" Maddy says.
" Not at all." I say.
" We will call Mom and Dad together." Cameron says.
" Ask your parents first." I say.
" Already dialed her number." Maddy says putting her phone to her ear.
" Hi Mommy. I'm good. How are you? Is it hot there? I bet. Oh yeah Mommy, can I go to North Carolina with Cameron and Vicki? Not long. We're visiting Nash and Hayes. Yeah she is. A few weeks ago. We're staying at their house. Ok I will. Love you too. Ok. Bye." Maddy says.
Maddy hangs up.
" What did she say?" I ask.
" She says it's fine." Maddy says.
" Good." Cameron says.
" Our turn." I say.

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