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Killer name : the beast

Power : moonsbane

Having been a regular beowulf under the command of salem it has now been transformed into a monster that has one thing programmed into it's brain and that is to kill the power that it gained is called moonsbane allowing it to have incredible senses and having the ability to claim high places and hide it's terror radius

Ability : wolfsbane
The ability to hide it's terror radius when the moon is out allows the beast to sneak up on survivors and attack them when attacked the survivors suffer from the broken statues effect and can't be healed when in the beasts terror radius

Active ability : beast of the hunt
When in wolfsbane mode the beast can climb up trees and buildings to either catch the survivors off guard or stalk them from high above where they can't see it

Perks :

Hex : hunting ground
When a survivor get's downed and hooked hunting ground gains a token for a maximum of five tokens and each of those tokens grants a fake terror radius which increase for each token by 14/20/35meters and any survivor repairing a generator in the fake terror radius suffer from the exhausted and oblivious statues effect and any damage done to the generator it get's regressed down by 17%

Scorge hook : bloodbroode
Three scorge hooks are scattered around when a survivor is unhooked from the hook they suffer from the broken statues effec and can't be healed when the exit gates are powered they heal to full health but suffer from the exposed statues effect and can be downed

Hex : bloodmoon fever
When this hex is activated all survivors take 6/10/15% longer to heal , repairing gens , breaking hooks and cleansing totems when this totem os cleansed all survivors can be moried before the exit gates are powered

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