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Waking up the next morning was the signal for jaune as a new start of a new day and his revenge so he got up and did his daily retiuals and went to put on his academy clothes and head out but not before locking everything behind him and walked off to class

Finally jaune reached his destination and went to go to his seat when he was tripped by yang causing everyone in the class to laugh at him jaune just grits his teeth cause he knows he'll get his chance in combat class so while jaune sits down in grimm studies he zone's out while talking to the entity

Jaune *hey entity has there been anything going on with my semblance *

Entity * yes it seems that with my powers added to your own it seems to have allowed to make monsters and killers of your own and you can pick any location of your own or you can just create it *

Jaune * so what your saying is that my semblance evoled to a point where the only thing limiting me is my imagination *

Entity * exactly and all you need to do is imagine what killer you want even if it's not from one of my originals *

As jaune was about to ask more he got interupted by proffesor port

Port : ah young arc

Jaune : yes proffesor

Port : since you seem to be in your own world why don't you come down here and face off some of the grimm we're studying

Jaune saw this as an opportunity and took it he went down to the center of the classroom and stood ready and waiting for the grimm to come out of the cage and it was just a regular beowolf so jaune wanting to test his new powers and so he just started to gather his new godly powers and let loose a thick black mist which went straight to the beowolf and engulfed him and what happend next horrified the students the beowolf seemed to mutating into something different when it was done a new beast stood in it's place

Jaune just stared it straigtht into it's eyes and spoke

Jaune : you from now on shall be known as the beast one of my new killers as such i have a task for you i know the entity still has some survivors in her realm so i'm going to put you into a trail and i want every single one of them scarificed

The beast did nothing but bowed it's head towards it's new master and dissapered into the thick black fog while the entire class sat and stared in horror at what transpired

Sitting around a camp fire were all the killers that the entity collected over the years and they were waiting for the person the entity said had inheirted her powers

Amanda : so when do you think he's going to show up

Frank : no clue all i know is that i'm getting tired of waiting for him

Evan : ENOUGH!!

Everybody jumped at evans voice cause for one they know he had been around longer than them and never once have they heard him raise his voice which means his annoyed with the constint talking

Sally : alright everyone let's calm down i'm sure there must be a reason why he is not visiting us

Entity : you are quite right sally smithson

All the killers then turned and saw the entity in all her glory and they all stood up and bowed even the more reluctint ones did as well

Evan : milady to what do we owe this visit

Entity : well evan there is going to be a new killer amongst you soon the person i gave my powers to has just created his own killer

Everyone was shocked cause last time they checked the entity couldn't creat killers

RWBY BY DAYLIGHT  ( adoption )Where stories live. Discover now