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The bathroom door opened. "dude". Guy was standing there with fresh bread. "Why are you sitting on the ground crying?". "Guy!" Thomas replied. "I thought you just fucking left me here, alone. I thought we lost everything just now.". "I literally told you that I only like warm and fresh bread." He paused. "Geez Thomas.". He sat down next to Thomas on the bathroom tiles. And leaned his head against his shoulder. Eventually, Thomas stopped crying. Guy was munching away on the bread. He missed at least a bit of butter on it but the crying child was now more important. Thomas reached a hand out in wich he willingly placed his palm into. "No, the bread you idiot." "oh.". He handed a piece of bread over. Now both of them romantically sitting on the bathroom floor and munching on bread. For Thomas everything was slowly turning better, his sadness got away bit for bit. They continued to sit there for a long time. The tiles beneath their backs slowly heating up and the general floor heating was turned to a cozy number of degrees. "Thomas it got pretty late, maybe wanna get up and slouch on the couch?" "Yea.". Dragging themselves to the couch and sitting under a big blanket, Guy holding Thomas. Their eyes shrunk and shrunk until both of them fell aspleep in that position. The tall child peacefully taking slumber on the smaller man. Letting his long legs hang over the end of the black two-person couch. The blanket with the big tiger on it was the most comfortable thing in exsistance before Guy came into his life. His slight chubby figure was soft and good to lay on. The little tummy was just too adorable and directed every sorrow away from him. Ahh, he never wanted to stand up again.

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