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Wind was blowing through his hair. He sat there again. On the fresh green grass fields. His wings still on their place. He looked around. No one. Just one lonely tree standing near him. The far distance seemed to be covered up in white nothingness. He stood up and began to walk forward. He felt his feet touching the soft grass. Soon he reached the tree. It was just a normal tree without any fruit hanging down. He reached out and felt the bark. He threw a face when he began to question himself what he did expect from the tree to feel like. He turned away from the tree and strolled to the seemingly edge of the grass field. But by looking down he soon saw that he was on an floating Island. A hovering rock that flew pretty high over the ground. Guy raised an eyebrow. The ground was moving. Not in an specific pattern, just like it was throwing something around. He tried to look closer and nearly fell off because of the weight that was put on his back. He remembered that the last time he tried to use them he got thrown into another dimension. So maybe if he'd do it more gently this time there wouldnt be this much motion, would it?. He opened them with no rush. Next thing he assured himself that he was just gonna quickly look down there and then get back up. He began to flap them a bit and jumped a bit. He looked like a dying swan on the moon. Out of frustration he swung them harder until he liftet himself up and eventually after experimenting a bit on the Island he found out how they worked. He slowly let himself down in the direction to the ground. Part for part he slowly got closer. Only to realize that the "ground" was in fact an deep and endless ocean. Guy got mad that there wasnt actually something at least a bit interesting in this reality. He began to rise back up when his wings began to weaken and his body to fall. He was falling not beeing able to reach out to anything at all. His body hit the Ocean surface like it was an actual floor you could stand on. But it did not feel like he felt from that hight it felt like hed fell off a chair. (He fell out of the bed, thats why) He didnt sink. He just casually laid on top of the ocean. A strange pressence appeared. Guy felt it, it came from his side and came closer and closer. A few Inches before his body it stopped and blew wind in Guy's direction. His hair flew back and he had the feeling that that wasnt just wind what the entity send him. It more was like hand that formed out of the wind. The feeling got stonger as if the aura tried to hug him. The wind picked up again under his body. It started under his kneekaps and his shoulders. Slowly begining to pick Guy up in a bridal carry. The wind began to lift his helpless body up and placing it on the Island. The whole time Guy did not see a single glimpse of the creature that was helping him. There was no body to look at, no voice or fabric either. Only the breeze of a male perfume that hit Guys nose on the way up. Guy sat there for a while thinking of what the smell could have reminded him of. He didnt know any person that had this kind of aftershafe. He leanded back into the grass and tried to relax, this was just a dream after all. Rolling around in the grass and watching the clouds pass by he laid on his side and tried to take a nap. But the overwhelimg presence also wanted to make its contribution. It appeared withing the wind and now reached down instead of comming from the ocean. It got close from behind and closed guy into a shackle that did not allow him to move. Guy got in panic that the same dream like last time was going to happen. It didnt. Instead it just hold him close like a teddy bear. Guy was kind of in an Spoon position with him beeing the little spoon. He did not like that it covered his back. He agressively turned around and pressed his head against the entitiy. The creature opened the shackle a bit, repositioned itself and then tightened it again. Guy just laid there and began to close his eyes since he didnt want to have stress in his dreams anymore. He just let it happen. He really needed that sleep and he wanted to leave early since Thomas decided to leave and didnt know when he'd came back. 

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