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With freshly washed jeans and a very masculine smelling perfume he stroded through the streets of Paris. Headphones plugged in his walkman and listening to the latest songs about romantic relationships and intense touches of the happily ever live together couples portrayed by the media. Guy disliked the idea of every couple beeing shown all happy and romantic when there were literally so many that could not reach out to their love. Many same sex couples were still only happy in the shadows of their curtains. The imagination that only a week ago a lesbian couple got brutally beat up on a side street not far away from the Louvre. And no one helping them get to the hospital in time just because of their choice of partner. Now one of them is visiting the other ones grave once a day. Just the imagination of carrying the lifeless body of your loved one to the hospital only to get to know that nothing can be done to get them back. You would be caught in a vicious circle of blaming yourself. The press just made a normal report, treating them as if they were just best friends. Completely denying that they were together for almost two years. Theyre love was basically thrown away because it was seen as impure and dirty. A sharp pain poked straight through Guy's chest as he began to cough. He tried to figure out if he just swallowed wrong or if the cigarettes were really that bad for his lungs. " nah, must have swallowed wrong" he silently whispered to himself, trying to deny that he does not lives healthy. He walked along shop windows and little Café's outside sections, taking a turn left and then right. In front of him now was the old recordshop. Before stepping in he put on a hood to not be recognized by anyone. A bell rand when the store was entered. Today was Tuesday, a weekday, not many people were there at that time. He walked around and began to look through the boxes filled with records. Sometimes he even found posters of fammous bands stuffed in between the cardboard packaging. One of them portraied a perfectly trained man with barbie doll like women around in short bikinies,laying to his feet. All of them were tanned to a perfect brown. A reality that only were possible in the richer areas of the world. Guy shook his head and put it back. After about half an hour he found an record with " Roulé " written bend under a roule wheel. It looked so unremarkable. He could remember the name but not that it looked that way, the only thing he had in mind now was that confusion. He turned it around to see if it was made by anyone he knew or if any popular songs came from it. His blue eyes widened. " Thomas Bangalter ". A little typed name under a hundered other words really made his heart stumble for a second. After seeing clear and calming down he went straight to the owner, paid and got on his way home. Getting his jacket half off he put the record on the player and put the needle on to the spinning disc. Beats started to play giving him a kind of note he hasnt used yet in any of his songs. They gave a perfect Bass. Overall it did remember Guy of an Background music. He started dancing a little bit around. While doing the thinkers pose he began to move his hips in the rythm of the beat. He thought of what the combination of his and his music would lead him to. But there was nobody to get on with. Not a single soul that was there for him. In this apartment was only this little man dancing alone to the music. A lightning struck throuh Guy's head. That was it. He found the detail that was bothering him since the incident. It was not that he made it with a dude or if the other was satisfied or not. No no, It was the fact that he practically was alone and that Thoma seemed to have so many friends. It was the fear of not getting the chance to meet him again or even reaching out to be together with such a well known person. How else would he be able to reach him when there were literally so many other people he could have slept with. Guy was propably just one out of a hundered. On the other hand, why did Thoma pick him instead of just a girl or any other, way more atractive dude than him?. He did not know. But he wanted to meet him again, he wanted to tell Thomas his feelings and that he wanted to be with him. With these thoughts alone he became determined and believed that he alone, could fight all of his problems. Walking with pride to the phone and picking it up, just to be anxious again for dialing a number. He put it back down and left, heading back to the player. Beads of sweat began to develop on his forehead. He really got completely torn down by his introverted mindset. That Phonecall was too much. Throuout the evening he thought of what could have happened when he actually called Thomas. Sad by this fact he brushed his theeth, gave himself an even sadder look in the mirror and put on his pyjamas. He snuggeled under his cold but comfortable sheets and hugged his stuffed animal. His sheets were put up on over his nose. Quickly, everything warmed up and became even more comfy. He turned around still thinking about him. If it was visible you could see the steamclouds coming out of his head from all the thoughts that were happening at once. Soon he closed his eyes and began to relax. The calming down heat brought him to sleep not long ago. 

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