"Oh God!!! You both should stop already!!" Cassie cried out in jealousy and amusement. It was at that moment, that Daniel and Elena realized they were still in Cassie's presence.

"Oh my God!!! I'm sorry Cassie. He just like acting like a naughty kid at times". She said with her voice filled with amusement.

"Naughty kid?" He asked in disbelief.


"I'll show you naughty" he said and picked her up bridal style. Elena screamed and protested but that it earned her a tighter grip from Daniel. "Well Cassie, we'll catch up later. Don't stay out too late please". He said staring at her so she would understand that he was damn serious.

"Sure, sure. I won't". She said smiling at him. "Get going now."

Daniel carried Elena bridal style and left the garden into the pack house and into wherever they want to be at the moment, which is no other place than Jayson's wedding venue.

Cassie stayed there for a while still enjoying the evening breeze untill she suddenly felt lonely. She stayed at the garden and watched as guest arrived for the wedding that was going to happen tonight. Some how, she felt out of place. That feeling hurts and felt like shit and she just didn't want to feel that way again. She only knew 3 places I. The pack house which is: the pack house, the garden and the waterfall. She decided to go to the water fall. At least at that place she won't be able to see all this unknown people and she won't receive judgmental and disgust look from people around which she don't even know.

She stood on her foot and headed to the direction of the waterfall. She wasn't sure if she remembered clearly the way that lead to the water fall but getting lost we much better option for her than staying out in the garden and watching how happy everyone else is and feeling sorry for herself. She walked deeper Into the woods not certain of where she was going but still walking ahead. She suddenly felt strange. She felt..... different. She felt peace. Just like the peace she felt the first day she went to the waterfall. She took it as a good sign and kept walking. She wasn't sure of the source of her feeling and calmness but she was willing to take the risk and know what the outcome will be.

With her new determined zeal, she kept walking towards the unknown destination and allowing her feet take her to the place where it wants them to be. She walked for few more minutes untill she saw beautiful flowers that were mixed and decorated round a clearing. She moved towards it, satisfied with how beautiful and peace giving it was. Ahead of her, was the water fall her and Jayson went to the other night. She stood looking at it for a while. She wasn't sure if she was going to stay with the beautiful flowers or go towards the water fall and enjoy it's peace and it's memories at the same time.

Suddenly, her foot started to move towards the waterfall. It was as if she was possessed by a being that's not her's. She stopped at a rocked that was surrounded with beautiful flowers and trees. She sat on the rock and took a deep breath. The breath was sweet and refreshing. It was satisfying and refreshing. Oh how she wished she could spend the whole of her life here. How she wished the moment could last forever. She sat there for a while untill she heard a noise coming from the brushes. She tried ignoring it but the sound came again. She turned her head as quickly as possible and stared at the woods and saw nothing.

"Who's there?" She asked. She wasn't scared. She felt no atom of fear. As a matter of fact, she felt angry that her relaxation moment was cut short. She waited for a reply, but none came. "Come out you coward!!!" She screamed to the unknown culprit. The brushes shakes again and she ready herself for what so ever that was going to come our from the brushes. She took calculative steps towards the brush and stopped when the brush moved again. She bent low and picked a stone and throw three of it towards the direction of the noise and....."ouch!!!!" Came the familar voice. "Hey!!! What was that for?" Jayson asked still rubbing the spot the rocked landed.

"Drop the act. I know it doesn't hurt you" she said to him before turning around to walk back to her rock turned chair.

"I never said it did". He replied. They were silent for a few minutes before he spoke again "what are you doing here along?" He asked her eyeing her curiously.

"What were you doing in the brushes?" She backed fired him with her own question.

"You can't be out here alone. And you can't answer a question with a question". He replied. When he saw that she was not going to say anything, he continued "and besides there's a wedding going on, you shouldn't be her". He said and turned to leave.

"Says the groom that is in the woods few minutes to his wedding" she said, not caring to look at him.

"I needed an alone time but turns out someone decided that stealing should be their favourite hubby".

"I can't see your name on the rock or the water fall".

"Everyone knows that this area is reserved for the alpha and his family".

"Well than, guess what? I'm not everyone, neither am I one of you all. Enjoy the space, I'm out". She said as she stood, heading out the same way she came, not glaring back to know if he was looking or not. Not that he even tried to stop her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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