Dino's and Fairies!

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**Carina sits down on the couch and gets ready to breastfeed Violet and Scarlett **
Yes that's right! Now which one do you want bubbas !
Chloe: ouhhh I want to the sparkly one please mommy
Maya: alright come and get it my princess ** she picks up her four year old daughter and lets her find her sparkly fairy **
Now drop it in your bucket Chloe!
** Chloe drops her fairy in her purple bucket**
Yayyyy !!!
Lorenzo: my turn mommy!!
**Maya picks up her five year old son up and let's him pick his first dinosaur **
I want this one ! A T REX!!
** Lorenzo drops his T. rex in his blue bucket**
Yaaaah !
Thank you moms !
Carina: ohh you are very much welcome!!
Chloe: yes thank youuu moms !
Maya : you are very welcome!!

Carina took a nap at the same time as the girls did !

Carina: Woah! What happened?
Maya: you fell asleep on the couch baby! It's okay! The kids are okay they are at the park with Andy and Victoria!!
Carina: oh okay!!! I have to take a shower!! The girls are still sleeping, you want to come in with me?
Maya: ohhh , you never lost your sexual tension!
Carina: of course I didn't!! I still know how to be sexy!
Come on we have like 5 minutes before the girlies wake up !
Maya: alright!!

5 minutes later, just like Carina said the twins are up and ready for another feed !

Carina: ahhh right on track !
** she goes in their bedroom and puts on her satin robe ! And a clean pair of thongs **
Maya: I'm coming to help you hold on ! How do you get DRESS SO FAST!!
Carina laughs: it's called breastfeeding Bambina! It's easy to get dress and undressed
Maya laughs !

** Chloe comes in the living room and picks up her twins and sits down on the couch ! **
Carina: its okay my loves ! Momma is here!!
Maya: do you want me to bottle feed one ?
Carina: oh I'm fine thank you! But I'd love a kiss from you though
Maya: ahhh that I can definitely give you!
**Maya and Carina kiss for a few minutes **

Maya: I will go prepare some lunch!
Carina: okay thank you! Ohh don't forget about the kids they haven't eaten lunch yet
Maya: No need my love! The girls are taking them to McDonald's after!!
And they will bring them back home in time for dinner!
Carina: ouhhh that's fun !
Maya: yeah! Do you want pickles in your sandwich?
Carina: eewww no! That was a weird pregnancy cravings !!
**Maya laughs **
Alright no pickles !

Maya is relaxing with Carina on the couch with baby Scarlett on her chest, fast asleep, while Carina has Violet on her chest! Chloe and Lorenzo are quietly playing together!

Maya: oh , i meant to ask you this earlier but I forgot!
Carina: what babe?
Maya: how did you came up with the bucket and fairies and dinosaurs idea ? It's GENIUS!
Carina laughs..
Ahha ! Well I think I never told you this and I don't know why I never did but it came to me in a dream I had a whole back and our children really loved it !
Maya: ohh ! Well you are telling me that now, I'm sure the kids will love it!
Carina: yes I think so too! They are sooo excited to help out ! It's so cute!
Maya: did we have the same four children as we have now?
Carina: ehh yes and no !
Maya: what do you mean "Yes and No"?
Carina: well we did have Chloe, Lorenzo and the twins
Maya: okay that answers the "Yes" part
Carina laughs: I know it does !
And umm in my dream we had more chi—
Mayas blue eyes widened: MORE ?! HOW MUCH MORE BABE?
Carina: ahhh relax Bambina! This is definitely not a pregnancy announcement cause that ship has sailed and will never come back to shore ... but we did have 2 more!
**Maya calmed herself down a little bit **
Awnn ! Okay so what were they ? 2 boys 2 girls ?
Carina: actually we had one of each! So we had 3 beautiful princesses and 3 very handsome princes ! And we also named one after my brother cause I had another dream that Andrea died and we had our little baby boy not long after he passed....
Maya: Awnn ! ** tears flowing down her face**
Carina: and his middle name was Mason , after yours !
Maya: Awnn ! That's sweet! And what about the other girl? What did we named her?
Carina: ohh it was Giovanna and we gave her Elizabeth as her middle name ! No idea why!
So yeah we basically did the bucket thing cause Giovanna and Andrew were going to be extremely jealous of the twins !
Maya: Ah okay! It's a wonderful idea my love!
Carina smiles : thank youuu Bambina!
Maya: but wait , do you actually want to have 6?
Carina: ohhh , I think four is plenty! We even had difficulty keeping track of all 6, so I think four is a good number, you can talk two I take the other two, it's perfect!
Maya: oh yeah totally!
Carina rests her head on Maya's shoulders; I'm so happy you convinced me that we could make this marriage work!
Maya: yeah? Me too!
Carina: I sometimes ask myself " how did I get so lucky?" I married the HOTTEST FIREFIGHTER in all the cities
Maya laughs: you mean countries!
Carina: oh , countries, cities ! Nahh ! Of the whole entire United States, and we have the perfect four children ever to exist on planet earth!! So I'm legit winning 🥇!

Maya: yeah? Well I definitely think I'm the one who won !
Carina teasingly: Ahh yeah? Why is that?
Maya: uh because I married THE HOTTEST obgyn in the whole world and somehow she managed to have a body of a mannequin and even after birthing 3 out of 4 children! I mean , pshhj ! You look phenomenal babe!
Carina: thank youuu my love!
Maya: I mean it ! So moral of the story is I won!
Carina: okay how about we say we both win!
Maya: yeah I can work with that
Carina: me too!!

Carina: ouhhh I do think that we should do like Miranda and Ben though,
Maya: what's that?
Carina: foster a teenager like Joey ! I mean lots of teenagers are kicked out of the system because they are eighteen years old and they end up spiraling out and become drug addicted or something even worse!
**Maya thinks about it a little bit **
Carina: I mean we obviously don't have to make our decision right now, we can look into this!
Maya: yeah no , I think it's a wonderful idea!
Carina: really?
Maya: yeah... and on the plus side we can get extra help from the teenager !
Carina gasps : Maya ! That's not why we would foster them !
Maya: I know , I know !
Carina: although extra help would be appreciated!
Maya; right!
Ahhh I fucking love you!!!
Carina: me too! I love you forever and always to the moon and back!
Maya: to the moon and back, forever and always!

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