Chapter Ten: Holding my Breath

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Takashi's POV

I was walking to my practice, and Mitsukuni was by my side, actually, he was on top of my shoulders as I saw some girls run out of the gym. Hmm weird.

"Takashi, why do you think those girls ran out of there? There are no classes taking place in the gym at this hour, nor are any clubs using it" He said as I nodded and walked forward. I looked in and it seemed fine, nothing was out of place. We were about to leave when I heard a groan coming from a corner.

"Look, over there!" I look to where Mitsukuni was pointing and I saw a body on the floor, liquid was surrounding the person. I ran up and knelt down when I realized who it was.

"Oh my god, Lily-Chan" Mitsukuni said as we quickly rolled her over and her face was red, and her breathing was shallow. She was drenched in water and she had a bunch of cuts of bruises scattered on her face and arms. I could only imagine what was under her shirt, she looked like she was beaten with no remorse. I took off my school jacket and placed it on her, she barely was moving. The only movement I saw was her clinging to my jacket for warmth.

"Mitsukuni, we need to get her to the nurse!" I nodded and picked her up. I was worried, Lily was like a sister I never had and I don't ever want to see her like this. We ran throughout the school until we made it to the school nurse. Once Mitsukuni opens the door the nurse looks up and sees us. But her eyes trail down to Lily and her eyes widened.

"LILY!!!" She yells. She knows her that close?

She comes over and tells me to set her down on the little couch and she starts to wrap her body in gauze and wrap. She takes her temperature and when she looks at it, she puts her hand to her mouth, a gasp escapes. She rushes to the phone, dialing three number I wish I didn't know by heart.

"What's going on?" Mitsukuni asks as I watch, she must be calling her father.

"Yes, I need an ambulance to Ouran private High school" she spoke and a few more words I didn't understand. In a blink of an eye there was a bunch of EMTs around us, two of them pushing us back.

"TK, LifePak. Nancy, get his temperature." The woman said who I was guessing the captain.

"Yeah, Cap." The young man said as he checked her vitals.

"She's burning up, Cap. Her temperature's" he told her as he checked the monitor. "Her BP is over"

"It must be septic shock." The other girl said as the captain nodded.

"Alright, radio West Park, tell 'em that they better have everybody standing by. Alright, let's go.We gotta move her now" they spoke as they worked on Lily and then they lifted her body and they placed it on a gurney. The nurse turned to us and we bowed.

"Boys, please go and let her brother know what is happening" she spoke as we nodded and walked out of the nurse's room.

"I'll get the twins and Haruhi, you get Tamaki and Kyoya" Mitsukunki spoke to me as I nodded and I went to the classroom. I knocked on the door and opened it to see Tamaki flirting with a girl and Kyoya writing something in his book.

"I'm sorry to interrupt sensei but I need to pull Suoh Tamaki and Ootori Kyoya. It's a family emergency" I said as the two stopped what they were doing and packed up their things. Following me out and I walked back to the nurse's office, there was Mitsukuni with the twins and Haruhi.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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