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Hey yall! So umm is this the end? I dont know haha. So, i'm so sorry if the story's all over the place, if it's sloppy and just messy ugh. I don't really know if i should make an epilogue. I need your help guys. Should i write an epilogue or nah? Since i dont even know if yall still like the story. I am really sorry if i suck at writing. It is my first ever story so...but yeah i need help should i write an epilogue?

Okay, more important things. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STICKING WITH ME, FOR BARING WITH ME. i'm aware the story's real messy and just ugh but i'm glad yall still stick by my side.

Thank you and i love you guys.

Is this the last though? Idrk but yeah.

And if I do make annother drag related story I will try my best to make it less ugly and sloppy.

I already have one in my mind. Like a pixie vs trixya but I added a short twist. A dash of pearlet. Yaass! If i make one will yall read it? But it might take long before i publish it since i want it to be better and to actually have a plot. Haha.

If you guys have suggestions comment them! I might need some inspiration and I might dedicate a chap to you on my like, next book. Haha.

I literally love you all byiieee!

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