Chapter 7 - He didn't find out. Yaaaaasssssss!

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Chapter 7 - He didn't find out. Yaaaaasssssss!


"Hey." I heared him say in his morning voice.

"Hey." I said back, smiling to myself.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked

I nodded then felt stupid cause I knew he couldn't see me through the phone, "yeah." I answered, mentally face palming myself.

"Soo...I was wondering, could we go out tonight?" He asked.

I 'aww' ed and said, "I couldn't, you see Willam-" but he cut me off.

"Willam this Willam that,Willam again. Im thinking you don't love me as much as you love that gay faggot." He said.

I glared at him through the phone. I know he can't see me but still. "Do not call him a gay faggot. I will do my best to kill you." I said.

"Stop overreacting!" He whined.

"I feel like your the girl in this relationship." I whined back.

"I feel that there isn't even a relationship anymore." He whined back.

I thought about what he said. Huh, is that true? "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I mean, look, your brother hates me, we don't go out on dates like before, and I feel like you don't love me anymore." I could clearly see him pouting at the other line.

"Look, Jason, I love you. I really do, but I can't go out tonight. Tomorrow night. Kay?" I ask

"Yea." He said and I think he's pouting again from the other line.


"Hey Willam!" I chirped.

"Hey!" He chirped back.

"So, I thought we were gonna bond tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah. But I only have till' 5. Sorry, Car." He said

I pouted and nodded. "Oh bitch, don't make that face to me!" He sassed.

I kept making that face and keeping quiet.

"Ugh! Fine." He said

"Yaaaasss!" I said making the crab position that Ricky does on O2L (rest in peace you good, good, souls)

"What the fuck are you fucking doing?" He asked me looking at me like I'm crazy.

"You wouldn't know anything cause you're stupid." I said grinning.

We watched movies all day until night came. We pulled out all-nighters and watched until one of us slept (Willam) and the other one (me) took a picture of the sleeping one (Willam).


I woke up and saw Willam sleeping beside me on the couch.

I looked at him closely and saw him drooling! I laughed evily and took a picture of him.

I ran to my room and grabbed a sharpie and drew shit, literally shit, on both of his cheeks and a dick on his forehead.

When he wakes up, oh shit gets real.


Oh my god! He's finally awake!

He rubbed his eyes and stared at me.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said and pulled out a serious face.

"Okay?" He said unsure.

"Willam?" I asked

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Could you go with me to the 7/11 near us. I need to buy pads." I asked, blushing. It's not true, I had 'mine' just a few days ago

"You forgot to buy one? Didn't we go grocery shopping just a few days ago?" He asked.

I nodded and said, "I forgot. Could you come with me now?" I asked.

"Let me just brus-" I cut him off.

"I have mint, you don't have to dress up cause what your wearing is fine, Im not gonna dress up cause I look decent enough for 7/11, so let's go." I said.

Now he has no choice but to come with me.

So, what basically halpened is we both went outside the house with him having two peices of shit each on his cheeks and a dick on his forehead, and me being so red because of the laughter I kept holding in me.

We reached 7/11 and almost all the people looled at Willam's direction.

I heared Willam gulp and looked down asking me what's wrong.

I shook my head and bit my lip to stop laughing.

I went to the Tampons and Pads section and got two packs of Pads. Better safe than sorry.

I went to the cashier and payed while I see Willam awkwardly talking to some girl who was laughing at him.

I think he's gonna find out.

We went out of 7/11 and he said that the girl was a fan of his. They just talked about shit that happend in the show.

He didn't find out. Yaaaaasssssss!


I am very truly sorry that I do not make the best author's note because I don't even know what to say. Sorry.

In the next chapter, Willam will find about about the peices of shit on his face and the effin' dick.


I literally had to add O2L related on something.

For the end of O2L! to the start of maybe something new!

Rest in peace, O2L.

Xiao, Pandaa

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