Chapter 12 - This has got to be the best day of my life.

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[ Warner on the picture + if you want to know what the picture of the tweet and the one on tumblr is about. Read author's note on the end. ]

Chapter 12 - This has got to be the best day of my life.


I woke up, my head hurting so bad so does my neck.

I woke up on Willam's bed with a blanket covering me.

Willam must have done this.

There was a note left for me on the table.

''You slept late. decided to leave you like that. Had to go to work to film something. Bye.


i always laughed whenever he leaves the 'WILLAM' on his notes or whatever.

I go downstairs and check what food we have. There were instant noodles. I got a small pot and cooked the noodles.

I ate in silence when I got a knock on my door.

I see there standing, my brother-in-law, Bruce. He was with Warner, Willam's


I squealed and held the dog.

''What are you doing here, Bruce?'' I asked

''I wanted to leave Warner with you here first, I thought you would like to see him.'' he said

I nodded. ''Willam's at work'' I said

''I know. He texted me.'' he said

''oh,'' I laughed, ''okay''

''I'm going to be late, got to go. See you soon!'' he said before leaving

I waved at him and made Warner come with me.

He jumped on the couch and lied down.

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