𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐲𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐭

Start from the beginning

There, across the room at the Hufflepuff table, sat the Potions girl. Her eyes met his and Remus felt his chest clenching and burning up. She softly smiled and he felt his own lips curling up. The hands on the newspaper loosened, letting The Daily Prophet fall right back into the mashed potatoes.

"Heaven help a fool who falls in love" said Sirius from besides him, snickering.

Remus turned his head so fast that he was sure he would have gotten whiplash. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're smitten" smirked Sirius while he bit into the glistening and fat chicken leg.

Remus shook his head, sandy hair falling into his eyes. "That's not true. We barely even talked!"

"Doesn't matter, mate, it's written all over your face."

Remus threw Sirius a look. "What's written over my face is annoyance."

"Hmm, I beg to differ" replied Sirius with a mouth full of food. He gulped down the meat, the rich aroma caressing his throat like a velvet to the touch. "There's no time better than the present! You should ask her out. Someone will snatch her up."

"Someone like who? You? She's not your type, Padfoot."

"She may not be my type, but I am everyone's" said Sirius, pointing at him with the chicken leg. "Just so you know." he shrugged.

Remus grumbled a series of nonsense under his breath, between "This ladies man, I swear" and "We just share Slughorn's class, that's all."

"You should ask Prongs for love advice. He had more luck with Evans than you did with this Hufflepuff bird."

Mashed potatoes were thrown. "Oh, shut up!"


The library was always a place she found solace in. Peace and quiet. And books. Their smell got her high. She could flip through a book hours on end and never feel time passing by.

The afternoon sun was streaming in through the windows, illuminating the dancing dust and the golden books' spines. She read each one, caressing their covers, much like a lover would caress lips.

A sigh escaped her own lips when she remembered the essay on Amortentia she had to write for Slughorn's class. ''Thirty percent of your grade!" he had said.

It was safe to say Potions wasn't her favourite class. Not because she didn't like it, but because it was the one class she wasn't on top of. Charms were more of her area. Safe and easy to understand.

Her fingertips came across a Potions book. It was worn out, but it would do, Y/N decided. She went to take it out when her fingers brushed someone else's from the other side. A shock travelled her arm all the way to her heart.

The book was removed from the shelf and her eyes met honey ones. Warm. Kind. Sweet. Y/N realized that maybe drowning in them would be a sweet sorrow.

''Oh, sorry, did you want this book?" said Remus from the other side of the shelf.

"No, it's alright, you keep it." And she turned on her heels, feeling her cheeks burning up.


Her walk was rapid fire, her hair flying behind her. She collided with someone's chest. A chocolate smell embraced her, inviting her in. She suddenly remembered that day in Slughorn's class. Y/N took a step back, feeling very small and flustered. Her face was all red like a blooming rose.

"Sorry!" said the honey eyed boy.

She just nodded and took a step around him. His hand lingered on her wrist, stopping her in the her tracks. He hastily retracted his hand, scratching the back of his head. "I, uh- you can have the book."

Y/N shook her head. "It's alright."

Remus wrapped his fingers around hers, giving her the book. "No, please. I'll just find something else."

His touch kissed her skin in small fireworks and she found herself wondering if he felt it too. Her gaze met his. Honey. "Thank you" she breathed.

He softly smiled, nodding his head. And he left.

Her hand felt cold afterwards.


The Great Lake was the perfect place on the school grounds to take a break and just breathe. The air was fresh and sweet and it made her lightheaded. The last sun rays were reflecting in waves in the water like light scales. It was peaceful. Tranquil. And for a moment, Y/N felt at peace herself. She closed her eyes, leaning her back on the tree trunk. The willow was swiftly dancing in the wind, whispering nothings in the air. Peace.

That was until a splash was heard. A few droplets of water splattered her and she shrieked. They were cold against her warm skin. Y/N blinked against the sun, bringing a hand to her forehead. There, a few meters in front of her, on the shore was Remus and his gang of blokes. His sandy hair was shining in the afterglow and he was laughing. His laugh was carried by the wind all the way to her. It lit something inside of her and Y/N found herself smiling lightly.

The one who jumped in the water had shoulder length, ebony hair. And was suddenly aware of her presence. "Oi! Ain't that your Hufflepuff birdie, Moony?"

Remus turned his head towards her, a smile gracing his features. His eyes met hers and Y/N got on her feet, turning away. Her chest contracted, all the air leaving her. Her cheeks reddened, once again.

"Wait, Y/N!"

His hand gripped her wrist and turned her towards him. He was so close. Y/N could see every imperfection on his face and smell his chocolate, homey scent. But the eyes were what froze her in her spot. They were so strikingly warm, so invitingly sweet. There were specks of gold in the warm, brown, honey eyes. She could count each and every one of them. If she could, she would have taken a jump in their pool, swimming in their depth. But she couldn't. So, she just settled in gazing in them, hoping to see Remus' soul and some of his heart.

Snickers were heard from the back. "Yeah, get some, Moony!"

He blushed in the light, dropping her hand. "Don't listen to them. They're a bunch of idiots."

She shook her head. "I'm not." she whispered.

"Right, right. Uh-"

"You have really pretty eyes."

He almost choked. "I, uh- Thank you, I mean, you also have pretty eyes. The best, really."

She giggled, tilting her head. "Am I making you nervous?"

Remus puffed out. "Just a little bit. Am I making you nervous?"

Y/N shrugged, looking at her worn out shoes. "Just a little bit."

Silence followed. Only the gentle swings of the willow branches and the lapping of the waves were heard. The sun was now dipping in the horizon, casting orange hues over her face and hair and Remus thought he was looking at an angel. If he could squint enough, he could see her wings.

He took her hand, again. Sparks. They pinched him, drawing shocks against his skin. Her doe eyes looked up at him and Remus smiled, letting adoration find home on his features. "Would you like to go to Hogsmeade this weekend? With me?"

She slowly blinked. "Are you asking me out?"

He nodded, his thumb starting to caress the back of her hand. "I am."

Her face broke out in a grin. "I would love to."

His heart skipped a bit. "Then, it's date."


"Ten galleons, boys. Come on, a bet is a bet."

"This is ridiculous, Padfoot. You practically set them up!"

"Nuh uh, that was the power of love!"


One shots II Remus Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now