“What will you do.?” Sumana said.

“I won’t tell, I will do that, I’m not coming home mom, it’s just a day and a half trip.” Naksha said.

“Is it necessary to come for just a day and a half.?” Sumana asked.

“Very much necessary.” Naksha cut the call.

“Nishabda Aditya Shetty, you made me cry, I make sure that you will cry like anything, remember one thing, Rahul is mine, only mine.” Naksha said looking at the video.

After a few days.

In India

Just a few minutes before Rahul’s birthday, preparation was going in full swing in the resort function area, and Rahul was in his room.

“Ok, everything is done.” Aisha said.

“Then bring Rahul here, I will be hiding behind the tree.” Nisha said.

“Won’t you wish him.?” Kailash asked.

“Madam planned a lot of surprises for Rahul.” Ava said.

“Oh surprise huh, ok.” Seema and Lucky teased Nisha.

“Ok, bring him here by closing his eyes, I will come when he was about to cut the cake.” Nisha said.

Kailash and Aisha went to bring Rahul, Nisha went behind the huge tree and hide there.

Kailash opened the room door.

“Guys, Where did you guys go.? why are you not picking up my calls.?” Rahul asked.

“Calm down Rahul, you will understand everything, first cover your eyes with this cloth.” Aisha gave the red cloth to Rahul.

“I know it’s my birthday in a few minutes, but don’t kidnap me.” Rahul laughed.

“Very funny, close your eyes man.” Kailash said.

Rahul closed his eyes with the cloth, and Kailash and Aisha took him to the celebration area. And removed the cloth, which was covering his eyes.

Rahul rubbed his eyes and looked around and saw his photos from a baby to till now was there and all the decorations.

“Thank you so much, guys.” Rahul said and his eyes searched for an important person, he turned and saw Nisha's fingers on the trunk of the tree.

“You don’t need to thank us.” Lucky said.

“I know whom to Thank.” Rahul started moving towards the tree.

“Such a genius he is.” Seema whispered in Aisha’s ears.

“He found out, it’s better to go before he comes here.” Nisha thought and slowly coming out from behind the tree.

Rahul was moving towards the tree, but out of nowhere he heard Nakshatra's voice from the side, which was the entry gate of the resort “Rahul.” She came running and stood in front of Rahul “Exactly midnight, Happy birthday Rahul.” Naksha hugged Rahul.

Everyone including Rahul shocked to see Naksha there. Nisha was also shocked to her, she again hid behind the tree.

“From where did she know about the address.?” Aisha asked.

“Don’t know, we didn’t tell anyone, promise.” Lucky said.

“How is my surprise.?” Naksha asked while coming out of the hug.

“You…you didn’t tell me that you are coming.” Naksha said.

“Did I ever miss any of your birthdays until now?, no, right, I wanted to be the first person to wish you on the birthday, so I paid double money for the flight to come here, just to wish you.” Naksha purposefully said loudly.

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