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"You caught a thief...?!"

"I am aware of the bizarrely nature of this situation," Soobin said, "but we have even humbled ourselves enough to work alongside Yeonjun, so what is the difficulty of taking on a thief?"

Yeonjun scoffed slightly, a smirk decorating his lips. "The only thing I have ever stolen is your heart."

Soobin laughed slightly, shaking his head. "You've also stolen my sanity. Regardless, this... thief — as well as his friend — have Signets."

The Knights froze in place, shocked at Soobin's news. Yeonjun turned around, hearing movement behind him. Even if it was one of the locals, he was still on his guard. Approaching them was Beomgyu and another slightly shorter male, wearing a hood to shadow over his rather serious gaze.

"Our guests have arrived," Yeonjun said, causing everyone to turn around. As if to prove that he had a Signet, Beomgyu grabbed at his back, the same green-accented polearm from that night appearing from thin air.

"It is indeed a Signet," Captain Hiera muttered, her eyes widened in shock. Beomgyu and his friend stopped in front of the Knights, their senses still wary. "State your names before I say my own."

"I am Beomgyu," he answered immediately. "Your underlings have met me already."

Yeonjun felt irritation build up inside him immediately. "Underli—?!"

"These are not our underlings, they are our companions," Andrius said with a laugh. "I am Andrius, a Knight under the Vaundy City Order. Beside me is my trusted colleague and friend, Captain Hiera of the Calamity Queller. And who may this upset fellow be?"

The boy beside Beomgyu smiled slightly. "You misunderstand, I'm simply lacking sleep, because Beomgyu's sudden disappearance worried me. I am Taehyun, hailing from a foreign land alongside my friend."

"I could tell, your accent is different from the rather common ones I am accustomed to hearing," Hiera hummed. "I assume you've arrived here because you have agreed to assisting us? The battle will be fierce, and it needs to be certain that you will fight."

"I'm... uncertain," Taehyun muttered, finally removing the hood of his coat. "I have yet to use my Signet in a battle. Who knows how it would fare against another?"

Beomgyu grabbed Taehyun's forearm, a sudden determination in his eyes. "This is our chance to create a better life for ourselves. Wouldn't you want to have an easier life?"

"Could you show us your Signet?" Soobin asked, stepping backwards to create space. Two circular blades linked at the ends appeared behind his back, the glowing purple, blue and grey shining under the moonlight. It hummed faintly, the energy radiating calmly from the shiny material.

"It's a catalyst of magic," Taehyun explained, "grasping upon the unexplainable and helping me protect myself. It obeys no other and has since become something of a guardian. If summoned, it strikes anyone who attacks me."

"Seems quite dangerous, so I will make sure to stay an ally," Yeonjun chuckled. "I experienced combat with Beomgyu first-hand, and despite lacking skills he's still really good. He has immense speed, and I'm sure he could do more than injure."

Hiera's expression grew darker. "Unlike Kai, whom had killed one of our team members so easily..."

"That's why we need to move along," Andrius said quickly. "So — young ones. Will you join us on our journey to stopping the next evil?"

Taehyun looked at Beomgyu, who simply nodded excitedly. Taehyun sighed, nodding as well. "I got up this morning, didn't I?"

"Have my horse," Soobin said, handing the reigns of his horse to Taehyun. "I can travel with my love."

Hiera and Andrius looked at him with confusion. "Love?"

Yeonjun and Soobin glanced into each other's eyes. Belated smiles and loving gazes were exchanged before they looked away, their smiles turning shy. Yeonjun cleared his throat, placing his fists to his side. "That's correct! Soobin of the Outriders has feelings of love towards I, a lowly criminal from Vaundy!"

"You're no lowly criminal," Andrius told him as he made his horse begin their trek towards the botder. "You'll soon be a hero of Vaundy and of many lands. I send blessings towards your love."

"We need not blessings," Yeonjun said as Soobin climbed onto his horse, "for our love is destined. I can't feel love, but I have sudden love for him — while he, who can't have his name remembered, can't leave the surroundings of my mind."

"A fate well met," Hiera smiled, showing them a soft nod of her head. "I just hope Calla and Azur find this well. Yeonjun perhaps needs to find acceptance from the very saviours of Vaundy — the Starbreak Knight and Slayer of the dragon Orrentoss."

"If they do not accept Yeonjun as the one I love," Soobin began, "then I will abandon my faith as their son, because Yeonjun has more meaning to me than being related to them."

"How noble — you have my support," Hiera smiled, following behind everyone else. "Seeing two young lovers is a breath of fresh air. I have yet to meet love, but I cannot be bothered. All I want is a good name for myself — love will come soon."

"What about you two?" Yeonjun asked, earning the attention of the group's newest additions. "How do you feel about love?"

"I have no interest in it," Taehyun replied with a careless shrug. "I've had to watch Beomgyu fall in love and hurt himself too many times. My love lies I protecting the fragile heart of my best friend."

"How sweet," Andrius said with a cooing tone. "A blossoming friendship is, perhaps, more worthy of the word 'love' than two lovers."

"How dare you? You now know the love between Soobin and I, yet call us unworthy of love," Yeonjun scoffed, crossing his arms.

Hiera smiled at the two boys, but then her eyes wandered to the two newcomers. They had accepted them too easily. What if it was a trap? What if they were sent by Kai Huening? Beomgyu clearly got up to no good, and Taehyun was far too silent.

She'd keep a close eye on them — as well as their troublemaker Yeonjun.

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