seven /

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"We will stay here at the Lancey Hotel until our journey through the barrier at dawn," Hiera informed. "The other team will arrive around the same time as us. In case Kai's men are aware of our adventure, we had to split the team."

"In case of an attack, I'll stay up for as long as I can," Yeonjun said firmly.

"No, you need to rest," Andrius told him. "You'll feel weary along the road. Your wariness is needed when traversing through the Northern lands."

"Lugdum could only give us two rooms, it seems," Hiera sighed, shaking her head. "I suppose we could share the rooms with two each—"

"Three men one room, and the lovely lady can have privacy," Andrius said quickly. "Head along, Miss Hiera. Choose whichever room you please."

Hiera laughed slightly as she crossed her arms. "Why, I never expected you to be so sweet. From what I've heard, you're nothing better than an overconfident, brutish oaf. However, our journey proved different."

"Brutish oaf? The other teams must hate me."

Hiera smiled as she walked off, waving her hand in dismissal. "Rest well, you three."

Yeonjun turned to the other two. "Wash up, I'll be on the rooftops."

Soobin was the first to speak up, his brows furrowed in concern. "This is an unfamiliar town. Be safe."

Yeonjun chuckled as he walked down the corridor. "Tell the citizens of this town to be careful because I'm here now."

Soobin sighed, watching as Yeonjun walked off. He could be avoiding him, per their conversation before. Upon his sudden confession, Soobin had been giving him the cold shoulder. Communicating felt off, as things were extremely awkward and they couldn't quite concentrate.

"Keep an eye on him, I suppose," Andrius sighed, shaking his head in mild disappointment. "He seems reckless."

"That he is."

"Take care of him," Andrius muttered, glancing away from the other. "Take care of you heart as well. You are fragile and gentle, like a dandelion under the summer breeze. Do not fall apart because your heart was betrayed."

"What makes you to say that?"

"A heart that tries to hide becomes open in the event of love." Seeing Soobin look away in embarrassment made him chortle out laughter. "Ah, young love! Tell me why you do not tell him how you feel."

"I treated him as my enemy," Soobin conceded, his expression becoming more forlorn, "but to suddenly treat him as one I could potentially find love in, it feels unusual. Strange. I fear the flame in my heart that desires him does not... burn as brightly as he'd expect it would."

"Such outcome is unknown until attempted."

"That much is true," Soobin admitted with a bitter smile. "He... he has admitted his love towards me. Well, rather how he could potentially feel towards me. Both of us are unsure of how we should go further. Our ideals are far too different."

"Do not attempt to change him in order to find love," Andrius advised. "Instead, support him in whatever he does. He is a dandelion bud that could spread far along the fields at any moment. Cherish him while he is still intact."

Soobin sighed, averting his eyes towards the ground once more. "Isn't it... unusual?"

"Tell how so?"

"How two men could... fall in love..."

"Love is no choice, son," Andrius told him. "Whether men or women love one another, what matters is that the heart feels the joy it so misses. It matters not. Men are allowed to love one another, lest the world fall into unhappiness and despair. Love is powerful, and quite difficult to prevent."

Soobin smiled slightly. "Yeah, it is powerful. I no longer see Yeonjun as an enemy due to these... feelings. I still find him to be a nuisance, but I could never call him that to his face. He seems rather hurt when I do."

"You and Yeonjun have a much-needed conversation to be had," the older man said, turning around. "I shall see you at the crack of dawn. Fair night, young one."

"Rest well, Andrius." Soobin watched as Andrius walked off before releasing a heavy sigh, leaning against the faded wallpapered wall of the hotel they would be staying. The halls were silent after they finished speaking. Soobin's heart felt hollow and empty at that moment. "Do I miss him...?"

Soobin lifted his body off the support of the wall and made his way outside. The night life wasn't as bustling as it were before, but there was still the occasional drunk individual here and there. Soobin had to find a way to the rooftops, and was relieved to find the overhanging ledge of the back of an inconspicuous area.

With little struggle, Soobin lifted himself onto the rooftops, glancing around along the lightness area for the boy he once saw as an enemy. Yeonjun was nowhere to be found. With a panicked gaze, Soobin looked around more frantically, making steps forward carefully upon the roofs of this unfamiliar city.

"Thief! Thief! Stop him immediately!"

Soobin's ears piqued in interest at the sudden yell, his eyes no longer searching for Yeonjun. He ran forward, jumping across the gaps of the buildings in search of this thief. He heard running on the cobbled ground and quickly readied his weapon, preparing a charged shot.

"Too slow."

A dark figure jumped past Soobin, but that hood was too recognisable. He watched as a black and red accented scythe formed, being grabbed by Yeonjun as he swung downwards, landing just in front of the unsuspecting thief. Unbeknownst to them, the thief had a weapon of his own — and not a regular one.

"Yeonjun, get down!"

Yeonjun narrowly dodged the swing of a spear, the extravagant green glow indicating that it was, in fact, a Signet. He quickly tugged his weapon out the ground, swinging in a coordinated pattern, but the spear somehow blocked each and every attack.

"Stand back!" Soobin yelled quickly. As per instruction, Yeonjun retracted his steps. Soobin fired the arrow, narrowly missing the thief's arm. He rapid fired, careful not to strike Yeonjun, but it proved difficult as the stranger kept attacking Yeonjun.

"There's no point to this!" Yeonjun suddenly yelled, holding up his hand to stop Soobin. He held his scythe upwards, as he was in a defensive position. "Who are you, and why do you possess a Signet?"

The boy was heaving heavily, out of breath due to the fight. "You're warriors from Vaundy City. Why are you here?"

Soobin jumped from the top of the building, landing beside Yeonjun carefully. "Doesn't matter. Please return that women's items."

"Over my dead body."

Yeonjun scoffed, flipping his scythe over into an offensive stance. "So be it—"

"I'm sure you wouldn't want to lose your life," Soobin said firmly, preparing an arrow and aiming it at the boy. "Return those items immediately, unless you want to lose your life."

The boy scoffed, flicking his weapon to the side, allowing it to dematerialise. "Very well. But only if you let me go."

Yeonjun chuckled. "I believe an interrogation is at hand."

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