"I-is the c-child safe...?"

He nods to her question and she sighs with relief. She looks up into his eyes, they were almost filled with tears at the mere sight of her.

"I...I'm fine...i-its just a scratch...."

He shakes his head as he gives a small smile.

"Don't ever do that again. Do you understand?"

She smiles softly through her pain, and winces as he picks her up and his demonic wings appear. He wraps her arms around his neck as he flies back out into the fields where the child was. He places her gently on the ground, he was going to go back to the village to save more humans. His arm was taken by her delicate hand before he could leave. He looks over to her and the expression was that of worry. He was then flung back into the present with Lorraine in front of him.

"You're really going to leave? Just like that? Look I can't stop your pursuit but this isn't like you at all. I may have only known you for a few days but please... Dont do this."

He sighs as he gently puts a hand on top of hers.

"I understand that you're worried, but I'll be fine. I promise."

He slowly moves from her grasp as he disappears with one flap of his demonic wings. The wind that was created from his flap blew her hair back vigorously. She sighs to herself as she makes herself back to her home. She opens the door and closes it as she places her back against the door and she slides down to the floor. Her heart twitched with worry for the demon but why? It wasn't as if she had feelings for him. Especially with the way he flirts tremendously, maybe it's because of his commandment? No it just makes sure that no one will attack him with hate or anger towards him and yet, why did he not activate it when he faced her? She hears her grandfather snoring from the other room. She smiles to herself but it fades slowly as she thinks about the conversation she just had with Estarossa. What is his goal for being the demon king? To just become king? Or something more? She heads over to her bed and lays down. She looks out the window, looking out to see the moon. She knows that there's something else that he's hiding from her. She wasn't stupid, she was the smartest from her friends. In the group or company of Gilthunder, Griamore, Howzer, Veronica, and Margaret, she was the smartest at getting away with small things. She made plans like stealing sweets from the palace kitchen, using Howzer's father's weapons for practice from his smith shop, even pranking the king of Liones out of fun for the six children.

"I'm going to be a holy knight when I grow up."

Young Lorraine looks over to young Howzer and laughs. He looks over to her.

"Hey! What so funny?!"

She laughs harder and then breathes and looks at him. She ruffles his hair with her hand.

"You think you're so tough to think you could become a holy knight on your own?"

His face turns red with embarrassment as he puffs out his cheeks.

"I could! And I could protect the people I care about! Like my friends! My father! And you!"

She stops laughing and looks up at him. His cheeks tinted pink but she just softly smiles as she takes the wooden sword from his hand and she holds his hand gently.

"Then I'll do it too! We'll both become holy knights and defend Liones together!"

He smiles to her and Meliodas, Gilthunder and Griamore make their way to them.

"What's going on? You both seem pretty excited about something, hih?"

The pair look up at Meliodas and both nod in unison.

Commandment Of Love: Estarossa X OcWhere stories live. Discover now